1997 Plymouth Pronto

Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Plymouth Pronto, 1997
Иллюстрации: Concept Car Central; «РОДСТЕР ИЗ БУТЫЛКИ» ( М. КАДАКОВ) - Газета «АВТОРЕВЮ», 1998 год / № 11; М. КАДАКОВ - Газета «АВТОРЕВЮ», №1 (140) 1997
Рейтинг:  24    -8    +32
The affordable five-door four-passenger 1997 Plymouth Pronto concept sedan was, according to John Herlitz (VP of Product Design) "another clever response to Plymouth’s calling for unique, affordable transportation...Before setting out to create Pronto, we gathered guidelines and specs for designing traditional four-passenger sedans. Once we studied all of this information, we threw it out and built a new vehicle from the ground up for our next generation."

Pronto had a spacious interior, roll-back fabric roof, and distinctive stand-alone bumpers. Its tall architecture seats passengers higher within the vehicle and gives them more of a command-of-the-road feeling. Styling was "New Plymouth:" "Much in the same fashion that we seasoned the Dodge brand with Viper cues, we will seek opportunities to season the Plymouth brand with Prowler cues," said Chrysler VP Walling. (This would lead to the PT Cruiser.)

Body panels would be made of Acrylonitrile/Styrene/Acrylate (ASA) plastic and have a single molded-in color which would simplify assembly and eliminate the painting process. The exterior would also feature stand-alone, blow-molded front and rear bumpers which, along with plastic trim, offer two molded-in color options compatible with interior trim.

Концепт-кар Plymouth Pronto 1997 года — предвестник родстера Pronto Spyder. На этой машине тоже отрабатывали технологию изготовления пластмассовых кузовов.

Четырехместный Plymouth Pronto отличается малой длиной (3780 мм) при сравнительно большой базе (2565 мм), высокой оконной линией и почти вертикальной посадкой пассажиров. Наружные панели изготовлены из композитных материалов, а в основе лежит платформа седана Chrysler Neon. Облик машины в чем-то перекликается с родстером Chrysler Prowler. В частности, Pronto спереди имеет такие же усы-бамперы.
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