2016 Pininfarina H2 Speed

Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 / Sigma Grand Prix, 1969
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 / Sigma Grand Prix, 1969
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketches
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016 - Design Sketch
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2016
Иллюстрации: Pininfarina
Рейтинг:  15    -1    +16
Кузовное ателье Pininfarina представило на Женевском автосалоне прототип H2 Speed, который был анонсирован месяц назад и который итальянская компания назвала «невероятным концепт-каром». Автомобиль оснастили электрической силовой установкой, работающей на топливных ячейках.

Длина купе составляет 4700 миллиметров, высота – 1087 миллиметров, ширина – 2000 миллиметров. Размер колесной базы равен 2900 миллиметрам. По словам создателей, автомобиль, имеющий сложное аэродинамическое оперение, представляет собой «нечто среднее между серийный суперкаром и спортпрототипом класса LMP1».

Силовую установку для H2 Speed подготовила франко-швейцарская фирма GreenGT, разработка заняла более двух лет. В состав силовой установки вошли два электромотора с гоночными настройками, а также комплект из 700 топливных элементов. Суммарная отдача агрегатов составила 500 лошадиных сил. Полная заправка хранилища объемом 6,1 килограмма занимает три минуты.

Автомобиль оснащается системой рекуперативного торможения, а также системой контроля вектора тяги. В паре с бесступенчатой трансмиссией силовая установка разгоняет 1420-килограммовый спорткар с нуля до ста километров в час за 3,4 секунды. Отметки в 200 километров в час машина способна достигать за 11 секунд. Максимальная скорость – 300 километров в час.

В конце 2015 года новым владельцем «Пининфарины» стала индийская компания Mahindra & Mahindra, выкупившая 76,06 процентный пакет ценных бумаг кузовного ателье. По неофициальным данным, сумма сделки составила 168 миллионов евро. Основатель ателье, Серджио Пининфарина, скончался в 2012 году в возрасте 85 лет.

The Full Power of Hydrogen

Extraordinary performance, sportiness and pure, environmentally responsible driving fun. Its name is H2 Speed and it is Pininfarina's innovative vision of a high performance track car based on revolutionary hydrogen fuel cell technology already subjected to severe track testing by GreenGT, a Franco-Swiss company which has been designing, developing and producing clean, sustainable propulsion systems since 2008.

H2 Speed will appeal to passionate people who love speed, performance and innovation and, at the same time, are attracted by the exclusivity typical of a Pininfarina-designed vehicle produced in a limited series. Halfway between a racing prototype and a production supercar, the H2 Speed is the world's first hydrogen, high performance car. It is not by coincidence that its name joins together H2, the formula for gaseous hydrogen, and the English word Speed, as if to say that it is the force and energy of Nature that generate the vehicle's high performance, fostering the excitement that is typical of passion and sport.

Seduced by GreenGT technology, Pininfarina has applied its mastery to express a style that communicates uncompromising beauty and a unique allure, combined with extreme performance. A pure beautiful form, free of any stylistic affectation.

Sculpted by efficiency-boosting aerodynamics, the H2 Speed weds blistering performance to refined lines and shapes integrated in a form of strong emotional impact which embraces the driver and represents the best possible expression of Pininfarina DNA: purity, elegance, innovation expressed through the passion that has always pervaded the world of high performance cars.

Research and innovation: Pininfarina's roots

Global styling benchmark for 86 years, Pininfarina has always invested in research and development programmes to propose concepts and innovative solutions to the new challenges that continue to arise in the car industry. One of the main areas was that related to performance and to aerodynamic and technological innovation for racing, as seen in the Lancia Aprilia Aerodinamica of 1937, the Fiat Abarth Monoposto Pininfarina Record of 1960, the Dino 206 Competizione of 1967, the Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Gruppo 5 of 1978. In this context, however, the most striking example was the Sigma Grand Prix of 1969, which reinterpreted and renewed the Formula 1 concept by introducing major safety content geared to drastically reducing the risk component inherent in car racing.

Starting from these examples, in a scenario of great attention to the most sensitive aspects of sustainability and emissions reduction, Pininfarina today proposes a new interpretation of its passion for motor car performance in an innovative and totally ecological key.

For this new styling and research exercise, it has used the hydrogen fuel cell technology developed by its partner GreenGT.

The power of a green engine

The technology presented by GreenGT is the substantial outcome of a two-year development and testing programme that has embodied the form of the H2 Speed concept. GreenGT proposes 'Full Hydrogen Power' technology, a powerful electric-hydrogen fuel cell drive chain. The result is a zero emissions vehicle able to reach 300 km/h by releasing just water vapor into the atmosphere. With a maximum power of 503 horsepower, the engine accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. Also notable is the rapid refueling, unknown to traditional electric cars: a full tank of hydrogen can be done in only 3 minutes.

H2 Speed eliminates both air and noise pollution. The compressor gives the vehicle's engine a very special tone, completely different to that of conventional electric cars. So even the noise made by the car is close to the emotion of silence, sounds and hisses that evokes science fiction.

External styling themes

Form and function merge together in the H2 Speed concept to create an external design that highlights the vehicle's sportiness and performance in every detail. Lines and volumes outline a sculpture that is as powerful as it is intriguing. Although it is based on the traditional styling cues of sports cars (low, aggressive proportions, strong design and an emotional synergy between car and driver), the H2 Speed presents the designer with a two-fold challenge: to design a car on a carbon frame and on the mechanical layout of a high performance car of extreme proportions (length 4700, height 1087, width 2000, wheelbase 2900) and at the same time clothe the GreenGT Full Power Hydrogen system, an innovative technology that offers, in terms of vehicle architecture, the necessary originality to generate a unique, outstanding product.

The H2 Speed was born for high performance. Under the banner of essentiality and rationality, all parts of the layout have been designed for the correct distribution of weights to be able to transfer the power and enormous torque of the Full Power Hydrogen system to the ground.

The sinuously three-dimensional shape springs naturally from an original styling process where the most important constraint – the two large hydrogen tanks at the side – becomes an opportunity. To avoid weighing down the side of the vehicle, the hydrogen cylinders are faired instead of being incorporated into the body volume but they remain visible through a window in the rear part of the fairing where the fuel cap is easy to access.

Arising from the marked sidecut, the three-dimensionality can be seen clearly in the plan lines of the vehicle. The geometric composition of the design from above is particularly intriguing: the car seems to consist of two triangular bodies that intersect to generate the front and rear mudguards. And it is the compenetration of this two volumes that defines the features of the plan, side and perspective views, playing seemingly on a symmetrical drawing. The crests of the mudguards do not follow wing volume in a traditional way but enter and exit the body, giving sensuality and originality to the handling of the surfaces.

Modelling the side panel makes it possible to hollow out a generous air passage from front to side. The result is an efficient aerodynamic flow and, at the same time, the creation of three-dimensional hollowed out volumes that leave part of the carbon frame visible as well as mechanical parts like the suspension arms. At the entrance to these channels, the two big front radiators located laterally, cool the entire fuel cell block.

At the front, between the two radiators, a center duct permits the flow of fresh air which, channelled along the sides of the cabin, cools the engine compartment. The muzzle presents two upside-down L-shaped wings which direct the aerodynamic flows and also act as supports for the lighting system: the apparently suspended led strips give the front an attractively original, dynamic expression.

The volume of the cabin is a transparent, tapered, aerodynamic drop shape characterised by a body-coloured band extending over the windshield. Its two ribs integrate roll bar volumes and house an air intake that feeds the compressor intercoolers.

A vertical fin on the bonnet channels flows to the rear; a big spoiler anchored to the fin creates negative lift and downforce to handle the power generated by the electric motor. Also on the bonnet, two air intakes for the radiators are designed to cool the electric motor.

The cut-off rear volume is cleanly detached from the flows and is characterized by sloping mudguard volumes; playing with the sidecut in plan view, the mudguards confer its original shape on the tail volume, directly deriving from technical and aerodynamic needs.

At the centre of the transom a fine, horizontal lighting strip, elegant and basic, integrates lighting functions typical of high performance cars.

The choice of body colour is inspired by the Sigma Grand Prix and gives it a modern interpretation with a plain pearlescent shade of white. As in the Sigma, the addition of fluorescent touches in vermilion and acid yellow highlight the functional areas: the aerodynamic tip of the front, the aerodynamic scoop, the edge of the centre fin, the spoiler fins, the windows that leave the side hydrogen tanks visible, as well as the technical details on the wheel hubs and the brake calipers. Again inspired by the Sigma and racing cars in general, the safety controls and lights/transmitters and the hydrogen filler cap are highlighted in a purely functionalist way. The great functional and technical surfaces (front wings, tank bodies, spoiler, extractor and all the car's aerodynamic features) are in anthracite grey.

The H2 Speed logo and graphics are a modern tribute to the styling of the Sigma Grand Prix and as in that iconic car of '69, the presence on the sides of the Swiss flag, associated here with that of Italy, represents a symbolic celebration of the renewed alliance between a Swiss company (GreenGT) and Pininfarina.


Full Power Hydrogen Powertrain

- 2 race electric motors
- 1 lightweight H2 fuel cell
- braking energy regeneration system


- carbon chassis
- front and rear wishbone suspension and push rod
- carbon brakes


- 2 electric synchronous motors with permanent magnet
- Max power : 370 kW @ 13000 rpm (503 Horsepower)

Energy production

- PEMFC Fuel cell 210 kW
- 2 stacks


- Direct transmission to rear wheels (ratio : 1:6.3)
- No clutch / No differential / No gear shifting
- Torque vectoring

Hydrogen storage

- tank capacity : 6.1 kg
- 700 bars storage technology
- autonomy : same as an internal combustion
- time for refuelling : 3 minutes

Braking energy recovering

- Battery 400 V nominal
- Capacity 20 Ah


- Air and water at the exhaust
- No pollution


- 1420 kg with bodywork
- refueling weight modification : only 6.1 kg
- weight distribution: front 41% / rear 59%


- max speed 300 km/h
- 0 to 100 km/h : 3.4 seconds
- 0 to 400 m : 11 seconds

Wheels OZ Racing

H2 Speed is equipped with Ultraleggera HLT Central Lock, one of the most emblematic designs of Padua-based company, which is celebrating in Geneva its 45th anniversary. The sizes are 11x19" on the front and 12x20" on the rear. The Ultraleggera has always reflected the ideal marriage between style and performance, a wheel capable of improving handling while at the same time lending a technical-stylistic upgrade to the car's appearance.

Pininfarina at Geneva with the H2 Speed concept car

World debut at the Motor Show for the hydrogen-fuelled track car developed with GreenGT

The Sigma Grand Prix of 1969, symbol of Pininfarina's commitment to research and innovation, shares the stand

Turin, 1 March 2016 – The new concept car that Pininfarina is world premiering today at the Geneva Motor Show is called the H2 Speed. A showpiece of style and technology in the name of sportiness, performance and pure, environmentally responsible driving fun.

The H2 Speed is Pininfarina's innovative vision of a high performance track car based on revolutionary hydrogen fuel cell technology already subjected to severe track testing by GreenGT, a Franco-Swiss company which has been designing, developing and producing clean, sustainable propulsion systems since 2008.

The H2 Speed will appeal to passionate people who love speed, performance and innovation and, at the same time, are attracted by the exclusivity typical of a Pininfarina-designed vehicle produced in a limited series. Halfway between a racing prototype and a production supercar, the H2 Speed is the world's first hydrogen, high performance car thanks to the 'Full Hydrogen Power' technology presented by GreenGT, a powerful electric-hydrogen fuel cell drive chain. The result is a zero emissions vehicle that can reach 300 km/h while releasing just water vapour into the atmosphere. With a maximum power of 503 horsepower, the engine accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. Also notable is the rapid refueling, unknown to traditional electric cars: a full tank of hydrogen takes just 3 minutes.

The H2 Speed almost completely eliminates noise pollution too, the sound emitted by the motor being close to total silence.

With the H2 Speed, Pininfarina confirms its commitment to excellence in design and research applied to sustainable mobility, the strong points of a company that is also intensively occupied in engineering services and in the development of special cars and limited series of exclusive models.

As Chairman Paolo Pininfarina explains: "The H2 Speed is the symbol of Pininfarina's dedication to purity, elegance and innovation. The spirit of the project is directly linked to the great aerodynamic tradition often explored by Pininfarina over the decades as well as to our most recent dream cars. The present concept is a synthesis of technology, sustainability, harmony, aerodynamic flow and, above all, speed. And it is also the best way to confirm Pininfarina's role as the standard-bearer of the aesthetic values of Italian design in the world and to strengthen its brand, the company's true hallmark".

"Italian style and engineering at the service of product innovation and the manufacture of high volume or niche special vehicles. This in a nutshell is what Pininfarina is today". And MD Silvio Pietro Angori goes on: "The H2 Speed concept continues Pininfarina's strategy of designing and developing special cars, namely vehicles produced in limited series for collectors and lovers of unique cars. The Pininfarina H2 Speed interprets the company's passion for racing and exceptional, environmentally responsible automotive performance. It is a concentration of Italian styling and sustainable technology for gentlemen drivers and aficionados".

The H2 Speed is part of one of Pininfarina's main areas of research, that of racing car performance, aerodynamics and technology, as exemplified by the Lancia Aprilia Aerodinamica of 1937, the Fiat Abarth Monoposto Pininfarina Record of 1960, the Dino 206 Competizione of 1967 and the Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Gruppo 5 of 1978. In this context, however, the most striking example is the Sigma Grand Prix of 1969 which is on show at Geneva alongside the H2 Speed. The Sigma reinterpreted and renewed the Formula 1 concept, introducing major safety content aimed at drastically reducing the risk inherent in motor sport. The work of an international team of experts, the prototype incorporated solutions such as safety tanks and the onboard fire-fighting system that were futuristic at the time but which are now routine.
По материалам: motor.ru; Pininfarina Press Release
Разработки студии Pininfarina
1912 Fiat Tipo Zero (Pininfarina), 1935 Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 Pescara Coupe Aerodinamica (Pininfarina), 1936 Lancia Astura Cabriolet Tipo Bocca (Pininfarina), 1937 Lancia Aprilia Aerodinamica (Pininfarina), 1947 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 SS Cabriolet (Pininfarina), 1947 Cisitalia 202 (Pininfarina), 1947 Maserati A6 1500 Berlinetta Speciale (Pininfarina), 1950 BMW 501 (Pininfarina), 1951 Nash Special (Pininfarina), 1951 Packard 2-Door Fastback (Pininfarina), 1952 Alfa Romeo 1900 C Sprint Coupe (Pininfarina), 1952 Nash Healey (Pininfarina), 1953 Lancia Aurelia PF200 (Pininfarina), 1953 Lancia Aurelia PF200 C Spider (Pininfarina), 1954 Alfa Romeo 1900 TI Coupe (Pininfarina), 1954 Cadillac PF 200 Cabriolet (Pininfarina), 1954 Fiat 1100/103 TV Coupe (Pininfarina), 1954 Lancia Aurelia B24 S (Pininfarina), 1954 Maserati A6GCS Berlinetta (Pininfarina), 1955 Ferrari 375 America Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1955 Fiat 1100 TV Speciale (Pininfarina), 1955 Fiat 8V Berlinetta Speciale (Pininfarina), 1955 Jaguar XK120 (Pininfarina), 1955 Lancia Florida (Pininfarina), 1956 Alfa Romeo Super Flow I (Pininfarina), 1956 Alfa Romeo Super Flow II (Pininfarina), 1956 Ferrari 410 Superfast (Pininfarina), 1956 Fiat Multipla Marine (Pininfarina), 1956 Lancia Appia Coupe (Pininfarina), 1956 Rambler Palm Beach (Pininfarina), 1957 Alfa Romeo 2000 Coupe Speciale 'Sestriere' (Pininfarina), 1957 Buick Lido (Pininfarina), 1957 Ferrari 4.9 Superfast (Pininfarina), 1957 Lancia Appia Coupe (Pininfarina), 1957 Lancia Florida II (Pininfarina), 1958 Buick XP-75 (Pininfarina), 1958 Cadillac Skylight Convertible (Pininfarina), 1958 Cadillac Skylight Coupe (Pininfarina), 1959 Alfa Romeo Super Flow III (Pininfarina), 1959 Cadillac Starlight (Pininfarina), 1959 Ferrari 250 GT SWB (Pininfarina), 1959 Ferrari 400 Superamerica Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1959 Fiat 2100 Coupe (Pininfarina), 1960 Abarth Monoposto da record (Pininfarina), 1960 Alfa Romeo Super Flow IV (Pininfarina), 1960 Chevrolet Corvair Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1960 Ferrari Superfast II (Pininfarina), 1960 Pininfarina X, 1961 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SS Spider (Pininfarina), 1961 Cadillac PF Jacqueline (Pininfarina), 1961 Fiat 600 D Berlinetta Aerodinamica Modello 'Y' (Pininfarina), 1961 Maserati 5000 GT 'Gianni Agnelli' (Pininfarina), 1962 Alfa Romeo 2600 Cabriolet Speciale (Pininfarina), 1962 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SS Coupe (Pininfarina), 1962 Austin Healey 3000 (Pininfarina), 1962 Ferrari Superfast III (Pininfarina), 1962 Ferrari Superfast IV (Pininfarina), 1962 Fiat 2300 Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1962 Lancia Flavia Coupe (Pininfarina), 1963 Alfa Romeo 2600 Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1963 Chevrolet Rondine (Pininfarina), 1963 Fiat 2300 Cabriolet Speciale (Pininfarina), 1963 Fiat 2300 S Lausanne (Pininfarina), 1963 Lancia Flaminia Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1963 Pininfarina PF Sigma, 1964 Abarth 1000 Spider (Pininfarina), 1964 Fiat 2300 S Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1964 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL Coupe (Pininfarina), 1965 Abarth 1000 Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia 1600 Sport (Pininfarina), 1965 Ferrari Dino Berlinetta Speciale (Pininfarina), 1965 Fiat 2300 S Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1966 Ferrari 365 P Berlinetta Speciale (Pininfarina), 1966 Ferrari Dino Berlinetta GT (Pininfarina), 1966 Fiat 124 Sport Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1966 Fiat Dino Speciale Prototipo (Pininfarina), 1967 Ferrari Dino 206 Competizione (Pininfarina), 1967 Ferrari Dino 206/246 GT (Pininfarina), 1967 Fiat Dino Parigi (Pininfarina), 1967 Pininfarina BMC-1800 Berlina-Aerodinamica, 1968 Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968 Bentley T1 Coupe Speciale (Pininfarina), 1968 Ferrari 250 P5 (Pininfarina), 1968 Ferrari P6 (Pininfarina), 1968 Fiat Dino Ginevra (Pininfarina), 1968 Pininfarina BLMC 1100, 1969 Abarth 2000 (Pininfarina), 1969 Alfa Romeo P33 Coupe (Pininfarina), 1969 Ferrari 512S Speciale (Pininfarina), 1969 Fiat 128 Teenager (Pininfarina), 1969 Lancia Flavia 2000 Coupe (Pininfarina), 1969 Peugeot 504 Cabriolet (Pininfarina), 1969 Peugeot 504 Coupe (Pininfarina), 1969 Pininfarina Sigma Grand Prix monoposto F1, 1970 Ferrari Modulo (Pininfarina), 1971 Alfa Romeo P33 Cuneo (Pininfarina), 1971 Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer (Pininfarina), 1971 NSU Ro-80 (Pininfarina), 1971 Peugeot 504 Break Riviera (Pininfarina), 1972 Alfa Romeo Alfetta Spider (Pininfarina), 1972 Ferrari 365/400/412 (Pininfarina), 1973 Autobianchi A 112 Giovani (Pininfarina), 1973 Chevrolet XP-897GT Two-Rotor (Pininfarina), 1974 Ferrari CR 25 (Pininfarina), 1974 Fiat 130 Maremma (Pininfarina), 1974 Lancia Beta Spider (Pininfarina), 1975 Alfa Romeo Eagle (Pininfarina), 1975 Fiat 130 Opera (Pininfarina), 1975 Lancia Beta Montecarlo (Pininfarina), 1975 Rolls-Royce Camargue (Pininfarina), 1976 Lancia Gamma Coupe (Pininfarina), 1976 Peugeot Peugette (Pininfarina), 1978 Fiat Ecos (Pininfarina), 1978 Jaguar XJ Spider (Pininfarina), 1978 Lancia Gamma Spider (Pininfarina), 1978 Pininfarina Studio CNR, 1980 Ferrari Pinin (Pininfarina), 1980 Lancia Gamma Scala (Pininfarina), 1981 Audi Quartz (Pininfarina), 1982 Lancia Gamma Olgiata (Pininfarina), 1982 Lancia Rally 037 Stradale (Pininfarina), 1983 Fiat Ritmo Coupe (Pininfarina), 1984 Ferrari 288 GTO (Pininfarina), 1984 Honda HP-X (Pininfarina), 1985 Peugeot Griffe 4 (Pininfarina), 1986 Alfa Romeo Vivace Coupe and Spider (Pininfarina), 1987 Ferrari F40 (Pininfarina), 1988 Ferrari F90 (Pininfarina), 1988 Lancia HIT (Pininfarina), 1989 Ferrari Mythos (Pininfarina), 1990 Pininfarina CNR E2, 1991 Opel Chronos (Pininfarina), 1992 Fiat Cinquecento pick-up (Pininfarina), 1992 Pininfarina Ethos, 1993 Pininfarina Ethos 2, 1994 Ferrari 512 M (Pininfarina), 1994 Fiat Spunto (Pininfarina), 1994 Pininfarina Ethos 3, 1995 Ferrari F50 (Pininfarina), 1995 Honda Argento Vivo (Pininfarina), 1995 Honda SSM (Pininfarina), 1996 Fiat Sing e Song (Pininfarina), 1996 Pininfarina Eta Beta, 1997 Peugeot 406 Coupe (Pininfarina), 1997 Peugeot Nautilus (Pininfarina), 1998 Alfa Romeo Dardo (Pininfarina), 1998 Peugeot 206 (Pininfarina), 1999 Fiat Wish (Pininfarina), 1999 Pininfarina Metrocubo, 2000 Ferrari Rossa (Pininfarina), 2001 Citroen Osee (Pininfarina), 2001 Ford Start (Pininfarina), 2002 Ferrari Enzo (Pininfarina), 2002 Hafei HF Fantasy (Pininfarina), 2003 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti (Pininfarina), 2003 Maserati Quattroporte (Pininfarina), 2003 Pininfarina Enjoy, 2004 Ferrari Superamerica (Pininfarina), 2004 Pininfarina Double-Face, 2004 Pininfarina Nido, 2005 Chery M14 (Pininfarina), 2005 Maserati Birdcage 75th (Pininfarina), 2006 Ferrari P4/5 (Pininfarina), 2007 Brilliance BC3 Coupe (Pininfarina), 2008 Pininfarina B0 (B Zero), 2008 Pininfarina Sintesi, 2008 Rolls-Royce Hyperion (Pininfarina), 2009 Tata Pr1ma (Pininfarina), 2010 Alfa Romeo 2uettottanta (Pininfarina), 2010 Lancia Stratos (Pininfarina), 2010 Pininfarina Nido EV, 2011 DeTomaso Deauville (Pininfarina), 2011 Ferrari FF (Pininfarina), 2012 Pininfarina Cambiano, 2013 BMW Gran Lusso Coupe (Pininfarina), 2013 Pininfarina Sergio, 2016 Mahindra Formula E (Pininfarina), 2016 Pininfarina H2 Speed, 2017 Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo (Pininfarina), 2017 Hybrid Kinetic H600 (Pininfarina), 2017 Hybrid Kinetic K550 (Pininfarina), 2017 Hybrid Kinetic K750 (Pininfarina), 2018 Fiat 500 Spiaggina by Garage Italia (Pininfarina), 2018 Hybrid Kinetic H500 Concept (Pininfarina), 2018 Hybrid Kinetic HK GT (Pininfarina), 2018 Hybrid Kinetic K350 (Pininfarina), 2019 Karma GT (Pininfarina), 2019 Pininfarina Battista, 2020 Pininfarina Battista Anniversario, 2021 Pininfarina Teorema, 2022 NamX HUV (Pininfarina), 2022 Viritech Apricale (Pininfarina), 2023 Pininfarina B95, 2024 Morgan Midsummer (Pininfarina), 2024 Pininfarina Enigma GT
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