2023 Kia EV4

Теги: Концепты, 2023, Kia
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Kia Concept EV4, 2023 – Interior
Иллюстрации: Kia
Рейтинг:  2    -1    +3
Redefining the essence of the EV sedan
Kia показала новые электрические кроссовер и седан — EV3 и EV4. Пока это только концепты, которые дебютировали в ходе специального мероприятия EV Day. Его Kia собирается проводить ежегодно, показывая наработки в сфере электромобильности. И компактный кроссовер EV3, и седан EV4 переродятся в серийные модели, каждая из которых будет играть свою стратегическую роль в растущей «зеленой» линейке бренда. Причем случиться это должно уже скоро — в следующем году.

Cама Kia называет EV4 не седаном, а новым типом четырехдверного автомобиля. Он имеет удлиненный динамичный силуэт, покатый нос и спойлер на крыше — элементы, отсылающие к гоночным машинам. Оформление салона почти идентично оному у EV3, но в оснащение седана включили функцию Mind Modes, регулирующую подсветку и вентиляцию и подстраивающуюся под водителя.

The Concept EV4 represents the purity of the ‘Power to Progress’ pillar of the ‘Opposites United Untied’ design philosophy. ‘Power to Progress’ focuses on the skills, expertise and creativity developed during Kia’s recent era of design-led transformation. This approach fuels the creation of innovative products that transcend the establishment of new standards for individual vehicle design to redefine entire sectors. Such is the case with the Concept EV4.

Its four-door format might suggest it should be categorized as a sedan. However, the model's potent and impactful lines represent not just another sedan, but an entirely new type of EV sedan that stands as a symbol of innovation.

Inspired by the ‘Power of Progress’ and manifested through a harmonious fusion of confident, geometric diagonal character lines and rich yet technical surfaces, the Concept EV4 represents a new value, approach, customer experience, and typology. Aspects such as the evocative sleek low nose, the elongated, dynamic long-tail silhouette, and the technical roof spoiler, all attributes reminiscent of sports and racing cars, affirm the Concept EV4’s status as an entirely new type of EV sedan.

An aggressive facial impression complements the Concept EV4’s progressive, technological silhouette. Featuring a wide, imposing stance, with headlamps located vertically at the extreme outer edges of the hood and front bumper, the model further symbolizes the brand’s determination to push boundaries and accelerate the EV Revolution.

The interior features a sleek and spacious horizontal layout, incorporating stylish design elements that prioritize the driver's experience without obstructing their view.

To achieve this, Kia designers have placed an air conditioning control panel that can be neatly stored in the center console when not in use and applied pin-style air vents that offer the flexibility to change patterns, among other refinements to the interior design.

The cocoon-like ambience of the cabin enables the driver to engage with the vehicle in a new and unobtrusive way. Presented via twin digital screens, a slimmed-down instrument panel delivers subtle levels of driver orientation, helping clear the mind from distractions and prepare for upcoming tasks.

The Concept EV4 comes with a new 'Mind Modes' feature that adjusts ambient lighting and animated ventilation patterns. In ‘Perform’ mode, the driver is presented with all the information they require to perform at their optimum and get the most out of their day. In contrast, ‘Serenity’ mode offers a range of digital graphics to create a more relaxed ambience for reflection and restoration.
По материалам: motor.ru; Kia Press Release
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