2020 Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray

Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray, 2020
Иллюстрации: Chevrolet
Рейтинг:  10    -0    +10
Chevrolet fulfills the long-term promise of the iconic Corvette with the introduction of the new Stingray, the brand's first-ever production mid-engine Chevrolet Corvette. The sum of everything that came before it, the new Stingray is re-imagined to bring customers new levels of performance, technology, craftsmanship and luxury.
"Первый американский суперкар" в восьмом поколении все же стал среднемоторным: на путь к этому событию Chevrolet встала еще в 60-е годы прошлого века. Переживший технологическую революцию Corvette стал весьма и весьма быстрым, но при этом должен остаться доступным.

Опасения по поводу цены развеял лично глава GM Марк Ройс, который и представил публике экстравагантную новинку. Ходили слухи, что цена на новый Corvette взлетит до небес, однако, глава концерна пообещал, что стоимость базовой комплектации удастся удержать в пределах 60 000 долларов – это всего на 5 тысяч дороже переднемоторного Corvette C7, отправленного в отставку и заметно дешевле европейских конкурентов.

Что же за эти деньги получит среднестатистический американец (и не только он, но в перспективе, возможно, и россиянин, хотя далеко уже не среднестатистический)? Во-первых, он получит принципиально новый кузов из сталей, алюминия и композитных материалов, значительно более жесткий, чем прежде и с принципиально новым дизайном, хоть и выдержанном в фирменной стилистике.

Во-вторых, новый базовый мотор. Соорудили его на основе все того же 6,2-литрового V8, которым комплектовался предыдущий "Корвет", но масштабы доработок позволяют говорить о новизне двигателя. Развивает этот силовой агрегат 502 л.с. и 637 Нм крутящего момента против 460 л.с. у прежнего "Корвета" и, само собой, располагается позади спинок сидений.

В-третьих, Corvette обзавелся принципиально новой трансмиссией – 8-ступенчатым роботом с двумя сцеплениями и кнопочным управлением. Механической КПП у суперкара более не будет. Правда, роботу сохранили подрулевые переключатели, что может несколько успокоить консервативных поклонников. С таким силовым агрегатом "Корвет" сможет катапультироваться до 60 миль в час менее, чем за 3 секунды (а вот прочие динамические характеристики пока не обнародованы).

В-четвертых, у суперкара появилось совершенно новое шасси, разработанное "с нуля", с полностью независимой двухрычажной подвеской и пневмоэлементами на передней оси – они позволяют приподнимать нос суперкара на 50 мм при проезде через препятствия. Опционально доступна адаптивная подвеска Magnetic Ride, а ездовая электроника получает шесть преднастроек уже в базовой комплектации. Два из режимов можно кастомизировать по желанию пилота.

В-пятых, Corvette получил роскошный интерьер "пилотной" конфигурации с массивным центральным тоннелем (и тонким, очень длинным пилоном с кнопками). Опционально – несколько видов сидений, многообразие вариантов отделки, акустика Bose и экраны мультимедийной системы диагональю до 12 дюймов, проекционный дисплей и цифровая приборная панель.

Зарезервировать новый Chevrolet Corvette уже можно, хотя цены на опции еще не объявлены. Зато известно, что уже на старте продаж "Корвет" получит традиционный опциональный пакет для трека Z51 Performance, включающий мощные тормоза, спортивные шины, блокировку дифференциала, адаптивные амортизаторы и альтернативный выпуск.

From front- to mid-engine, in under three seconds

"Corvette has always represented the pinnacle of innovation and boundary-pushing at GM. The traditional front-engine vehicle reached its limits of performance, necessitating the new layout," said GM President Mark Reuss. "In terms of comfort and fun, it still looks and feels like a Corvette, but drives better than any vehicle in Corvette history. Customers are going to be thrilled with our focus on details and performance across the board."

The new mid-engine layout gives the new Stingray:
- Better weight distribution, with the rear weight bias enhancing performance in a straight line and on the track.
- Better responsiveness and sense of control due to driver positioning closer to the front axle, almost on top of the front wheels.
- The fastest 0-60 mph time of any entry Corvette ever - approximately three seconds when equipped with Z51 package.
- A race car-like view of the road due to lower positioning of the hood, instrument panel and steering wheel. Excellent forward sightlines throughout the vehicle for both driver and passenger.
- An enhancement of Corvette's traditional utility strengths, with dual trunks for a total of 357 liters (12.6 cubic feet) of cargo volume, ideal for luggage or two sets of golf clubs.

Design inspired by racing and aeronautics

The new Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray's exterior has a bold, futuristic expression with mid-engine exotic proportions, but it is still unmistakably Corvette. It's lean and muscular, with an athletic sculptural shape conveying a sense of motion and power from every angle.

"As America's most iconic performance nameplate, redesigning the Corvette Stingray from the ground up presented the team a historic opportunity, something Chevrolet designers have desired for over 60 years," said Mike Simcoe, vice president of Global Design, General Motors. "It is now the best of America, a new arrival in the mid-engine sports car class. We know Corvette can stand tall with the best the world has to offer."

A supercar level of craftsmanship, premium materials and attention to detail were critical in designing every component of the Stingray. The new location of the engine is truly the focal point for the car's design. It's the heart of this next generation Corvette and it sits like a jewel in a showcase, visible through the large rear hatch window. The added attention to detail optimized the appearance of every wire, tube, bolt and fastener, similar to those found in modern track and all-road motorcycle design.

Some additional design touchpoints include:

- Low profile headlamps designed around all-new projectors.
- Completely hidden door, hood and hatch releases do not disrupt the sculpted design.
- Large side air intakes for engine cooling and aerodynamic performance.
- A-pillar shape that communicates speed and assists in visibility.
- Large rear hatch that showcases the engine with seven air vents.
- Quad exhaust tips located on the vehicle's outboard ends.
- Dual-element LED taillamps with animated turn signals.

True to its aeronautical and racing roots, the new Stingray's canopy-forward stance was inspired by F22s, F35s and other modern fighter jets and Formula One racing. Other classic Corvette signatures adapted to the Stingray include a distinctive face that communicates the purpose of the vehicle's mission, a classic horizontal crease, aggressive front fenders and familiar positioning of the dual-element headlamps.

The interior is further enhanced by:

- A cockpit that has not only migrated forward by 42 cm (16.5 inches), but envelops the driver, conveying the high performance and aeronautic theme.
- Vertical climate controls and ultra-thin vents minimize the height of the instrument panel, creating a low, spacious interior.
- A new, squared-off, two-spoke, small diameter steering wheel that enables an unobscured view of the 12-inch reconfigurable cluster display.

The new Stingray boasts premium interior materials executed at a high level of quality and craftsmanship:

- Hand-wrapped, cut-and-sew leather components with thick press stitching.
- Generous use of real metal.
- Stainless steel speaker grilles with Bose Performance Series audio system.
- Carbon fiber trim on the GT2 and Competition Sport Seats.
- The choice of either real aluminum or real carbon fiber for console and door trim plates.

Customers can create their own design statement, with the most personalization options ever for Corvette:

- 12 exterior colors - Torch Red, Arctic White, Black, Blade Silver Metallic, Shadow Gray, Ceramic Matrix Gray, Long Beach Red, Elkhart Lake Blue and Sebring Orange - plus three all-new colors: Rapid Blue, Zeus Bronze and Accelerate Yellow.
- Six interior color themes: Jet Black, Sky Cool Gray, Adrenaline Red, Natural/ Natural Dipped, Two-Tone Blue and Morello Red.
- Six seat belt colors: Black, Blue, Natural, Torch Red, Yellow and Orange.
- Two optional stitch packages: Yellow and Red. Standard black interiors have Sky Cool Gray stitching.

Three seat options:

- GT1 - a sporty style that emphasizes comfort while providing good support for performance driving situations. Features Mulan leather trim, optional two-way lumbar support and wing adjustment.
- GT2 - a first for Corvette, these seats have a racing-inspired look with comfort for long trips courtesy of dual density foam. They include carbon fiber trim, a Napa leather insert, Mulan leather bolsters, a jet black-painted seat back, two-way lumbar support and wing adjustment, plus heating and ventilation.
- Competition Sport - designed for the serious track-focused driver, these seats include aggressive bolsters, full Napa seating surfaces and carbon fiber trim on the headrest, heating and ventilation, along with an all-new durable performance textile inspired by Kevlar vests.

Engineered to be a true supercar for every day

Corvette's structure is built around its backbone: the center tunnel. This enables a light, stiff structure to serve as the foundation for the suspension system to perform in an optimized manner. By removing unwanted body compliance, Corvette customers will experience the ultimate in ride performance with outstanding lateral grip capabilities. The car has a solid, connected-to-the-road feel with minimal vibrations at high speeds or on long road trips.

"Our mission was to develop a new type of sports car, combining the successful attributes of Corvette with the performance and driving experience of mid-engine supercars," said Tadge Juechter, Corvette executive chief engineer.

The tunnel-dominant approach offers many advantages, including:

- Improved torsional rigidity with a solid, connected feel on both the road and track.
- Outstanding ingress/egress for a mid-engine vehicle. Unlike some competitors, there's no need for oversized rocker panels to bear structural and load weights, making it easier to enter and exit the vehicle.
- Excellent stability due to a low center of gravity and outstanding handling.
- Preservation of Corvette's beloved standard removable roof panel, which can easily be stored in the rear trunk.
- A front storage compartment that can fit an airline-spec carry-on and a laptop bag.
- Availability in both left- and right-hand-drive variants - a first for Corvette and a milestone for its distribution in the UK market one of the most important sportscar markets globally.
- Smart packaging with improved cabin comfort, including an additional 2.5 centimeters (one inch) of rearward seat travel and almost double the reclining angle.

The all-new Chevrolet Corvette C8 Stingray is built with a smart mixed-materials strategy, enabling key features such as:

- A strong, stiff and lightweight main structure of six high-pressure diecast aluminum parts, also known as the Bedford Six, which are manufactured at GM Powertrain in Bedford, Indiana. These minimize the number of joints within the vehicle, making a stiffer structure that aids in handling and track cornering.
- Industry-first carbon fiber curved rear bumper beam for weight reduction.
- Front and rear trunk tubs and dashboard molded from ultra-lightweight "float" derived from fiberglass and a proprietary resin. The material is so light that it can actually float in water. It works with other fiberglass and carbon fiber variants to lower mass and reduce noise and vibration.
По материалам: auto.vesti.ru; Chevrolet Press Release
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