2012 BMW Zagato Roadster (Zagato)

BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Interior
BMW Zagato Roadster and Coupe, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster and Coupe, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster and Coupe, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster and Coupe, 2012
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Design Sketch by Norihiko Harada
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Design Sketch by Norihiko Harada
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Design Sketch by Norihiko Harada
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Design Sketch by Norihiko Harada
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Teaser
BMW Zagato Roadster, 2012 - Teaser
Иллюстрации: Zagato
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At the 2012 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance BMW and Zagato have presented the result of their second collaboration, a dynamic Roadster based on the recent Coupé Concept.
Компания BMW и итальянское ателье Zagato представили на калифорнийском Конкурсе элегантности в Пэббл-Бич, состоявшемся в прошедший уик-энд, концептуальный родстер. Новинка является открытой версией аналогичного купе на базе модели Z4, дебютировавшего на майском шоу в Вилла д'Эсте.

Родстер, разработанный и собранный вручную за шесть недель, оснащен трехлитровым шестицилиндровым турбодвигателем BMW, мощность которого за счет увеличения давления наддува и установки новой выпускной системы увеличилась с 340 до 406 лошадиных сил.

Как и купе Zagato, новый родстер построен в единственном экземпляре и не имеет почти ни одной общей кузовной детали с серийным BMW Z4. Он комплектуется оригинальными крыльями, капотом, светотехникой и мягкой складывающейся крышей с традиционными для моделей Zagato выпуклыми «пузырями» над головой водителя и пассажира.

По словам шеф-дизайнера BMW Карима Хабиба, запускать в серию подобные купе и родстер пока не планируется. Однако он добавил, что в случае спроса на новинку компания все же может начать мелкосерийное производство, однако стоить такой автомобиль будет в два раза дороже обычного BMW Z4.


Legendary Design Coupled with Roadster Tradition makes its US debut at Pebble Beach.

Barely three months after the sensational premiere of the BMW Zagato Coupé, BMW and Zagato are turning heads again at the 2012 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance with the fruits of their latest collaboration. Created in just six week's worth of lavish handcraftsmanship, the BMW Zagato Roadster represents another masterful example of the traditional coachbuilder's art and an elegant take on the sporty, masculine marker laid down by the BMW Zagato Coupé.

At the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, this one-of-a-kind automobile is showcased along with the best possible company. Every year connoisseurs and advocates of coachbuilt classics come together on California's Pacific coastline to appreciate, mull over and be amazed by an array of automotive exotica. One would be hard pressed to find a more appropriate venue for the premiere of the BMW Zagato Roadster.

The next stage of a successful collaboration.

The decision to launch another collaboration between BMW and Italian coachbuilder Zagato was made shortly after the BMW Zagato Coupé took its first bow. Encouraged by the positive reaction to the Coupé, Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design, and Andrea Zagato agreed to take their partnership a step further. On the menu this time would be a Roadster model. "We set ourselves the challenge of preparing the car in time for the renowned Pebble Beach Concours" explains van Hooydonk. The BMW Zagato Roadster was duly conjured up in record haste, with only six weeks separating the first design idea from the finished model. "It was only with the expertise of both companies in the manufacture of high-end one-off cars and another display of outstanding teamwork that we were able to finish the car on schedule," adds the BMW design czar.

Andrea Zagato picks up on the theme: "Our success in finishing the car in such a short space of time shows what is possible when two successful companies pool their resources" says Zagato. "BMW is a high-achieving carmaker boasting a vast well of knowledge and technical capability in this area. When you combine that with our expertise in the creation of micro-series cars and our streamlined production processes, everything is in place to produce a beautiful model like the BMW Zagato Roadster in double-quick time".

The design – Italian finesse meets Bavarian roadster tradition.

It quickly became clear that the partnership's next jointly developed model would be a roadster. Indeed, no other concept embodies the pure fascination of motoring quite like this breed of car. With the roof down, two seats and exceptional performance, it allows the driver to experience dynamic thrills and driving pleasure with all the senses. This exciting blend of BMW and Zagato adds the fineries of the Italian "dolce vita" with its designers succeeding in lending the car its own distinct character without blurring its family ties.

BMW and Zagato can both look back on a long and successful tradition of building roadsters, and the BMW Zagato Roadster sees their respective design DNAs melting into one. There is more to designing a roadster than slicing the roof off a coupé. "This car is not designed only as an elegant convertible, but also as a masculine and extremely dynamic sports car which evokes a powerful driving experience," says Zagato chief designer Norihiko Harada, describing the design philosophy behind the BMW Zagato Roadster. Like the BMW Zagato Coupé, the Roadster is ready to drive – and intended to be driven at high speeds.

The car's proportions make no secret of the special driving experience that awaits the driver. The sweeping hood and long wheelbase pin the driver back close to the rear wheels. The driver sits down low in an ultra-sporty position inside the cockpit. The taut hallmark BMW surface treatment and Zagato's clearly defined distribution of visual mass lend the BMW Zagato Roadster an athletic appearance – poised and eager, demanding to be driven.

Distinctive front-end design.

A low-set kidney grille, complete with intricate z-design grating, as well as focused twin circular headlights and a three-dimensional front apron shape the expressive face of the BMW Zagato Roadster, as designed on the front end of the Coupé. It is this area of the car that provides the stylistic link between the two models, giving both a clear identity, reflecting their family ties while making them easily recognizable.

Overall, the BMW Zagato Roadster's front end is very three-dimensional, wide and powerfully formed. The nose surges forward dynamically, dipping down close to the road allowing the BMW Zagato Roadster to cut an agile figure, crouching as if about to pounce. The contoured hood extends this aura of dynamism with its sweeping lines and taut surfaces, while a pair of air intakes carved into the hood supply the engine compartment with more air and hints at the brawny powerplant inside. The focused headlights accentuate the car's driver-oriented character and high-speed concept; the "razorlight" – a precise LED light strip set into the matt surface above the headlights – finishes these elements off with an extra touch of class.

Sitting low between the headlights is Zagato's take on the BMW kidney grille, featuring matt kidney surrounds. A stand-out detail here – and one shared with the BMW Zagato Coupé – is the use of a large number of small matt-sheen Zagato "z" letters to make up the kidney grating. This arrangement injects added depth into the grating and lays on a high-quality accent for the front end.

Dynamic side view.

The flanks of the BMW Zagato Roadster reflect the extroverted character of its Coupé sibling. Here, the clearly defined distributions of visual mass and eye-catching tail of a Zagato blend with the hallmark surface treatment and use of forms familiar from BMW models. Together, they imbue the BMW Zagato Roadster with a distinctive and athletic allure. The black coloring of the A-pillars allows it to fade into the background and set off the sculpturing of the car's body even more effectively.

The BMW Zagato Roadster's silhouette outlines a poised and alert presence, the car's sweeping hood, long wheelbase, short overhangs and low rear end merging into a taut, sporty whole. The basic choreography of lines and surfaces is similar to that of the BMW Zagato Coupé, but subtle differences are noticeable at the rear. The tail end as a whole places a greater emphasis on elegance than that of the Coupé, which shows a sharper sporting edge. The Roadster's lines are smoother here and the rear is lower-slung. Plus, a fine additional line forges a visual connection between the sill and the rear apron to round off the rear end design in style.

Another noteworthy detail of the BMW Zagato Roadster are its roll-bars – an important design element of many roadsters and commonly an identifying feature. The roll-bars of the BMW Zagato Roadster are quintessentially Zagato. The designers took their inspiration for these technical components from an aircraft wing and experimented with their mass before settling on a dynamic forward-leaning focus and powerful structure. "The low, dynamic roll-bars, inspired by an airplane wing, are an eye-catcher that makes the BMW Zagato Roadster recognizable from a distance" says Norihiko Harada. Ther brown color gives the roll- bars an even more prominent profile. It allows the eye to wander further back, and the car's rump provides a harmonious conclusion to its overall silhouette. Other striking details include the air outlets adorning the Roadster's flanks, which mirror the form of the hood vents and reproduces their dynamic theme. The silver "z" positioned below the flank vents references the BMW/Zagato collaboration.

A bird's-eye view of the car highlights the BMW Zagato Roadster's interpretation of the hallmark Zagato double-bubble roof in the convertible top cover. The cover uses this double-bubble element to extend the lines of the hood all the way to the rear, where it accentuates the muscular proportions of the rear-wheel-drive Roadster. These two roof domes – the "doppia gobba" in local parlance – are a signature feature of Zagato design and can be found on almost every Zagato car.

Sporty yet elegant rear-end design.

The sharply chiseled tail of the BMW Zagato Roadster provides a fine advertisement for the exquisite talents of the Zagato body specialists. The rear end displays a seamless perfection, giving it a feel of quality – like a sculpture cast from a single mold. Here, the high degree of handcraftsmanship within the walls of the Zagato design studio and the company's vast well of experience in working with surfaces and forms come magnificently to light.

Taken as a whole, the rear of the BMW Zagato Roadster has a very broad, low-slung appearance, giving the car a wide stance and planted muscularity on the road. Like those of its Coupé counterpart, the BMW Zagato Roadster's rear lights are arranged behind black tinted glass. The glass area extends in a shallow black band around the whole of the rear end, underlining its horizontal geometry. Beneath it, the dark diffuser gives the BMW Zagato Roadster a squat, powerful stance. Exhaust tailpipes positioned towards the outer edges of the rear add further emphasis, their matt finish contributing another flourish of quality. The body-colored surfaces between the tailpipes draw the final lines in the distinctive, low-to-the-road and broad-set looks of the rear end.

Highlights and details.

The unique character of the BMW Zagato Roadster is reflected in even smaller details. The 19-inch light-alloy wheels in classically sporty five-spoke design have a hint of propeller about them, offering a subtle nod to the origins of the two companies: both BMW and Zagato founder Ugo Zagato took an airborne route into automotive construction. The discreetly attractive matt finish of the wheels lends the car extra allure from the side.

A very special highlight of the BMW Zagato Roadster is its paintwork. The exclusive exterior paint finish, a brilliant grey with impressive depth, appears to wrap the car's body in a cloak of liquid metal. Depending on how the light hits the body, the color spectrum ranges from dark grey to a light silver, bringing the surfaces and forms of the BMW Zagato Roadster to life.

The interplay of exterior and interior. The open-top nature of a roadster means it is often the interior that catches the eye first. Only later does one's attention move on to the exterior and the interplay between the exterior and interior. The BMW Zagato Roadster zeroes in on this detail and consciously allows the boundaries between inside and outside to blur.

To this end, the colors and materials marking the transition from interior to exterior exude a special exclusiveness. A strip of brown leather wraps around the interior like a rail to create a visual connection between the inside of the car and it's exterior. The brown leather extends from the instrument panel over the door sill and around behind the seats, and even incorporates the roll bars. Embracing the driver and passenger like a large protective arm, this leather adornment provides an attractive transition into the otherwise predominantly black interior. The warm shade of brown reappears in various areas of the interior, including the contrast stitching of the seats, the steering wheel and doors, and the center console. The interplay of colors and composition of details bathes the interior of the BMW Zagato Roadster in a sumptuous ambience, while the brown "z" embroidered into the seats is a further clue to its origins.

The interior itself boasts the clear structuring one would expect from BMW and invites the driver to give the machine around him a thorough workout. Details such as the sweeping horizontal lines along the inside of the doors and the full-length center console lend a rarefied sense of exclusivity to the sporty promptings and driver focus of the interior.

Zagato – a coachbuilder with a long tradition.

Founded by Ugo Zagato in 1919 is the only automotive body manufacturer still in independent ownership. From its earliest days, Zagato has taken a minimalist and pared-down approach to its creations, very much in keeping with the Milanese tradition of design. Form takes precedence over details, thanks in part to technical considerations. Body designer Ugo Zagato learned his trade in – among other industries – aviation, where aerodynamics and lightweight construction play a central role. Zagato duly applied these principles rigorously in the construction of cars and soon celebrated a rash of race victories as a body construction partner to Alfa Romeo. The "necessary beauty" of aerodynamics and lightweight construction has come to represent a maxim of design, one that has defined the form of every Zagato since.

Today, with Andrea Zagato and Marella Rivolta-Zagato, becoming the third generation of his family to take his seat at the helm, the company describes itself as a design studio combining the emotion and handcraftsmanship of body construction with the precision of state-of-the-art technology. Zagato follows coachbuilding tradition in developing only the shell of the car and leaving the mechanics of the machine untouched. More than 200 Vmax concepts, special editions and micro-series have been created in this way down the years and find appreciation among connoisseurs and collectors the world over. Indeed, all Zagatos are coveted collector's items today and worth many times what their original owners paid for them.

BMW Group In America

BMW of North America, LLC has been present in the United States since 1975. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars NA, LLC began distributing vehicles in 2003. The BMW Group in the United States has grown to include marketing, sales, and financial service organizations for the BMW brand of motor vehicles, including motorcycles, the MINI brand, and the Rolls-Royce brand of Motor Cars; DesignworksUSA, a strategic design consultancy in California; a technology office in Silicon Valley and various other operations throughout the country. BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC in South Carolina is part of BMW Group's global manufacturing network and is the exclusive manufacturing plant for all X5 and X3 Sports Activity Vehicles and X6 Sports Activity Coupes. The BMW Group sales organization is represented in the U.S. through networks of 338 BMW passenger car and BMW Sports Activity Vehicle centers, 139 BMW motorcycle retailers, 114 MINI passenger car dealers, and 32 Rolls-Royce Motor Car dealers. BMW (US) Holding Corp., the BMW Group's sales headquarters for North America, is located in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey.

Pebble Beach - August 17, 2012
Разработки студии Zagato
1927 Bugatti Tipo 43 (Zagato), 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I (Zagato), 1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport (Zagato), 1932 Maserati V4 Sport (Zagato), 1934 Isotta Fraschini 8A (Zagato), 1936 Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 Tipo Pescara (Zagato), 1936 Fiat 500A Topolino Trasformabile (Zagato), 1937 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900 B (Zagato), 1938 Fiat 1500 Spider MM (Zagato), 1938 Lancia Aprilia Sport (Zagato), 1938 Lancia Aprilia Villoresi (Zagato), 1947 Fiat 1100 Panoramica (Zagato), 1947 Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8C Monterosa (Zagato), 1948 Ferrari 166 MM Panoramica (Zagato), 1948 Fiat 1400 Panoramica (Zagato), 1948 MG 1500 Panoramica (Zagato), 1949 Alfa Romeo 2500 SS Panoramica (Zagato), 1949 Lancia Ardea Panoramica (Zagato), 1949 Maserati A6G 1500 Panoramica (Zagato), 1950 Fiat 500 C Panoramica (Zagato), 1952 Fiat 8VZ (Zagato), 1954 Alfa Romeo 1900 SSZ (Zagato), 1954 Maserati A6G (Zagato), 1955 Maserati A6G Spider (Zagato), 1956 Ferrari 250 GT Berlina (Zagato), 1956 Ferrari 250 GT Coupe Corsa (Zagato), 1956 Ferrari 250 GTZ Prototipo (Zagato), 1957 Abarth 750 Spyder (Zagato), 1957 Abarth Fiat 500 GT Coupe (Zagato), 1957 Abarth Fiat 750 GT Coupe (Zagato), 1957 AC Ace Bristol (Zagato), 1957 Ferrari 250 GT Competizone (Zagato), 1957 Ferrari 250 GT Lusso (Zagato), 1957 Lancia Appia GTS (Zagato), 1957 Maserati 450S Coupe (Zagato), 1958 Abarth Fiat 750 Record Monza (Zagato), 1958 Lancia Appia GTE (Zagato), 1958 Lancia Flaminia Sport (Zagato), 1960 Abarth Fiat 1000 (Zagato), 1960 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ (Zagato), 1960 Bristol GT 406 Z (Zagato), 1960 Bristol GT 407 Z (Zagato), 1960 OSCA 1600 GTZ (Zagato), 1961 Aston Martin DB4 GTZ (Zagato), 1961 Lancia Appia Sport (Zagato), 1961 Mini Cat (Zagato), 1963 Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ1 (Zagato), 1963 Lancia Flavia Sport (Zagato), 1964 Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2 (Zagato), 1964 Fiat 850 Z Coupe (Zagato), 1964 Hillman Zimp (Zagato), 1964 Lancia Flaminia Super Sport (Zagato), 1965 Alfa Romeo 2600 SZ (Zagato), 1965 Lamborghini 3500 GTZ (Zagato), 1965 Lancia Fulvia Sport (Zagato), 1967 Fiat 125 GTZ (Zagato), 1967 Lancia Flavia Super Sport (Zagato), 1967 Rover 2000 TCZ (Zagato), 1968 Lancia Fulvia Spider (Zagato), 1969 Alfa Romeo Junior Z (Zagato), 1969 Fiat 500 Zanzara (Zagato), 1969 Volvo GTZ 2000 (Zagato), 1970 Cadillac NART (Zagato), 1970 Honda Hondina (Zagato), 1970 Volvo GTZ 3000 (Zagato), 1971 Ferrari 3Z Spider (Zagato), 1972 Fiat 132 Aster (Zagato), 1972 Iso Varedo (Zagato), 1972 Zagato Zele, 1974 Ferrari 330 Convertibile (Zagato), 1975 Bristol 412 Covertibile (Zagato), 1975 Zagato Zeta 80, 1981 Zagato Chicane, 1983 Alfa Romeo Zeta Sei (Zagato), 1984 Alfa Romeo Tempo Libero (Zagato), 1984 Maserati Biturbo Spyder (Zagato), 1986 Aston Martin Vantage (Zagato), 1988 Maserati Karif (Zagato), 1989 Alfa Romeo SZ (ES-30) (Zagato), 1989 Autech Stelvio (Zagato), 1991 Autech Gavia (Zagato), 1991 Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1992 Alfa Romeo RZ (Zagato), 1992 Fiat 500 Z-Eco (Zagato), 1992 Lancia Hyena (Zagato), 1992 Nissan 300 Bambu (Zagato), 1992 Nissan 300 Seta (Zagato), 1993 Ferrari FZ93 (Zagato), 1994 Fiat Punto Monomille (Zagato), 1996 Lamborghini Raptor (Zagato), 1996 Zagato Bravo Bis, 1997 Lamborghini LM003 (Zagato), 1998 Zagato Zuma, 1999 Iso City (Zagato), 1999 Lamborghini Canto (Zagato), 2001 Toyota VM180 (Zagato), 2002 Aston Martin DB7 (Zagato), 2003 Aston Martin DB AR1 (Zagato), 2004 Aston Martin Vanquish Roadster (Zagato), 2005 Lancia Ypsilon Sport (Zagato), 2006 Ferrari 575 GTZ (Zagato), 2007 Diatto Ottovu (Zagato), 2007 Maserati GS (Zagato), 2007 Spyker C12 (Zagato), 2008 Bentley Continental GTZ (Zagato), 2010 Alfa Romeo TZ3 Corsa (Zagato), 2011 Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale (Zagato), 2011 Aston Martin V12 (Zagato), 2011 Fiat 500 Coupe (Zagato), 2012 BMW Zagato Coupe (Zagato), 2012 BMW Zagato Roadster (Zagato), 2013 Aston Martin DB9 Spyder Centennial (Zagato), 2013 Aston Martin DBS Coupe Centennial (Zagato), 2014 Aston Martin Virage Shooting Brake (Zagato), 2014 Lamborghini 5-95 (Zagato), 2015 Maserati Mostro (Zagato), 2016 Aston Martin Vanquish (Zagato), 2016 Aston Martin Vanquish Volante (Zagato), 2017 Aston Martin Vanquish Shooting Brake (Zagato), 2017 Aston Martin Vanquish Speedster (Zagato), 2017 Iso Rivolta Vision Gran Turismo (Zagato), 2020 Aston Martin DBS GT (Zagato), 2020 Iso Rivolta GTZ (Zagato), 2022 Alfa Romeo Giulia SWB (Zagato), 2022 Maserati Mostro Barchetta (Zagato), 2024 Alpine AGTZ Twin Tail (Zagato)
Автомобили марки BMW
1936 BMW 328, 1950 BMW 501 (Pininfarina), 1955 BMW 507, 1956 BMW Isetta, 1961 BMW 3200 CS (Bertone), 1963 BMW 700 (Colani), 1967 BMW Glas 3000 V8 Fastbackcoupe (Frua), 1968 BMW 2000 ti (Frua), 1969 BMW 2800 Spicup (Bertone), 1970 BMW 2200 TI Garmisch (Bertone), 1972 BMW Turbo (Michelotti), 1975 BMW 3.0 Si (Frua), 1976 BMW 528 GT Coupe (Frua), 1976 BMW Karmann Asso di Quadri (ItalDesign), 1977 BMW M1 (ItalDesign), 1981 BMW M2 (Colani), 1985 BMW Z1, 1988 BMW Z1 Break, 1989 BMW 850, 1991 BMW Nazca C2 (ItalDesign), 1991 BMW Nazca M12 (ItalDesign), 1991 BMW Z11 (E1), 1992 BMW Columbus (ItalDesign), 1993 BMW Nazca C2 Spider (ItalDesign), 1994 BMW Z13, 1995 BMW Z18, 1995 BMW Z21 (Just 4/2), 1995 BMW Z3, 1997 BMW Z07, 1997 BMW Z14 (C1), 1999 BMW Z9, 2000 BMW Z22, 2000 BMW Z9 Convertible, 2001 BMW X-Coupe Concept, 2001 BMW Z29, 2002 BMW CS-1, 2003 BMW xActivity, 2004 BMW H2R, 2005 BMW Z4 Coupe, 2006 BMW 3-Series coupe, 2006 BMW CLEVER Research Vehicle, 2006 BMW Concept Coupe Mille Miglia, 2007 BMW 1-Series tii, 2007 BMW CS, 2007 BMW X6, 2008 BMW GINA, 2008 BMW M1 Hommage, 2008 BMW Simple, 2008 BMW X1, 2009 BMW Vision EfficientDynamics, 2010 BMW Concept 6 Series Coupe, 2010 BMW Concept Gran Coupe, 2011 BMW 328 Hommage, 2011 BMW i3, 2011 BMW i8, 2011 BMW Vision ConnectedDrive, 2012 BMW Concept Active Tourer, 2012 BMW i3 Coupe, 2012 BMW i8 Spyder, 2012 BMW Zagato Coupe (Zagato), 2012 BMW Zagato Roadster (Zagato), 2013 BMW Concept X4, 2013 BMW Gran Lusso Coupe (Pininfarina), 2014 BMW Deep Orange 4 (CU-ICAR), 2014 BMW Vision Future Luxury, 2015 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage, 2015 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage R, 2015 BMW Compact Sedan, 2015 BMW M4 GTS, 2016 BMW 2002 Hommage, 2016 BMW Concept X2, 2016 BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100, 2016 BMW Vision Next 100, 2017 BMW 8-Series, 2017 BMW i Inside Future, 2017 BMW i Vision Dynamics, 2017 BMW Motorrad Concept Link, 2017 BMW X7 iPerformance, 2017 BMW Z4, 2018 BMW iX3, 2018 BMW M8 Gran Coupe, 2018 BMW Vision iNext, 2019 BMW Concept 4, 2019 BMW Vision M Next, 2020 BMW Concept i4, 2021 BMW i Vision Circular, 2021 BMW XM, 2023 BMW i Vision Dee, 2023 BMW Touring Coupe, 2023 BMW Vision Neue Klasse, 2024 BMW Concept Skytop, 2024 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X
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