2000 Audi Project Rosemeyer

Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000 - Interior
Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000 - Interior
Иллюстрации: AUDI AG.
Рейтинг:  33    -32    +65
This supersportscar, showing design elements of the TT and especially the old Silverarrows of Auto Union, could see production in a small series.
Rumours of a mysterious Audi concept car hidden within an exhibit hall at Volkswagen’s Autostadt have been trickling out for several weeks now. Poor photos taken from inside the Audi Pavilion showed us a hint at a truly mysterious car that no one really knew what to make of.

Now officially released, this Project Rosemeyer, named after famed Auto Union Grand Prix driver Bernd Rosemeyer, bears a striking resemblance to its Auto Union motorsport forebears. This car, resembling most closely the Type C closed canopy cars of the late 1930’s, is intended to hint at the future direction in Audi design under the careful eye of Director of Design, Peter Schreyer.

Much like the 1992 Avus concept car, this new sportscar is seemingly intended as a catalyst for Audi design and a brief glimpse of things to come. Unlike the Avus with its comparatively gentle lines, the new Concept Rosemeyer shows a harder edge industrial flavour that errs on the side of the radical in its use of elements found on the Auto Union race cars. Much of the current flavour seems TT-inspired, making use of current Audi design themes but at the same time amplifying them and elevating them to a whole new level.

The front grill of the car is perhaps one of its boldest features. Rumours persist amongst the automotive press that Schreyer has suggested its use on future Audi sedans. Such a design is tough to visualise, though movement toward it can be seen on today’s A8 and A6 models.

The headlight design is rather novel and seemingly as of yet untried. Where most covered lights hurt aerodynamics, conventionally found in pop-up guise on many sports cars during the late 1980’s, the concept’s light covers slide aft the headlight assemblies. They appear to hug the skin of the front fenders seemingly invisible to aerodynamic drag.

While not as smooth and beautiful as the Avus concept, this new car does have some interesting qualities. From the front and the rear, the design is much more handsome. The profile, on the other hand, seems much more clumsy and somewhat tank-like with its strict interpretation of the silver arrow roofline. The designs are almost complimentary in some respects. Where the Avus seems too bland, this car is well detailed. Where the Rosemeyer is too chunky, the Avus is svelte and intoxicating. A mixture of both would be nearly perfect.

Regardless, the new Concept Rosemeyer will undoubtedly draw reviews much like the revolutionary TT concept did in those weeks following its introduction at the 1995 Frankfurt Autoshow. At the time, the design was polarising, with those who absolutely loved it and those who thoroughly hated it. By the time it reached production, the TT was almost totally applauded.

Certainly the Concept Rosemeyer will have a similar effect. Though with an education of how Audi has executed design in the past, it is not hard to be confident that this new design direction will be just as exciting.

Лето. "Volkswagen Autostadt" в Вольфсбурге - немецкий "Автоград". Павильон Audi AG. Вспышки прожекторов на несколько секунд вырывают из мрака нечто. Суперкар. Двухместное спорт-купе. Дизайнерское упражнение чистой воды. Хотя...

Первое, что бросается в глаза: в творении студии Audi Design сливаются прошлое и будущее компании. Массивная решетка радиатора, матовый алюминий кузова - чем не прославленные "Серебряные стрелы"? А 16-цилиндровый двигатель в базе, перед задней осью? Столько же цилиндров было у моторов спортивных машин Auto Union тридцатых, которые вели от победы к победе Бернд Розмайер и Тацио Нуволари.

В то же время - четко прочерченные линии кузова, строго полукруглые колесные арки, куполообразная крыша, высокая поясная линия... Все это напоминает о моделях TT.

Имени у машины все еще нет, известна она под условным названием "Project Rosemeyer" - по имени того самого гонщика. Почему-то нет сомнений, что в адрес внешности автомобиля будет выпущено немало стрел. Но вспомните первую реакцию критиков на Audi TT - половина восторгалась, половина исходила желчью. К моменту начала выпуска машину полюбили уже все...

Пойдет ли суперкар Audi когда-либо в производство? Создавался автомобиль (опять же - по слухам) "в противовес" Mercedes SLR и проектируемому среднемоторному суперкару BMW. Но "конкретные производственные задачи" перед авторами не ставились, поэтому технические детали - 16-цилиндровый двигатель (якобы W16, разработанный для Bentley Hunaudieres), 6-ступенчатая коробка, полный привод, сверленые тормозные диски, телекамеры вместо зеркал заднего вида, обтянутый "Номексом" салон и т.д. и т.п. - пока большого значения не имеют.

Главное - имидж брэнда (о, бедный русский язык!). Которому - имиджу - совершенно не мешает ни некоторое сходство "экспоната" с современными концептами Bugatti, ни слухи о том, что у них может быть общая платформа. Зря, что ли, марку покупали...
По материалам: VW Vortex; "Вперед, в прошлое? Назад, в будущее?" (Журнал "Мотор" 10-2000)
Автомобили марки Audi
1973 Audi Karmann Asso di Picche (ItalDesign), 1974 Audi 100S Coupe Speciale (Frua), 1980 Audi Quattro, 1981 Audi Auto 2000, 1981 Audi Quartz (Pininfarina), 1989 Audi Cabrio-Studie, 1991 Audi Avus, 1991 Audi Quattro Spyder, 1993 Audi ASF, 1995 Audi TT Concept, 1995 Audi TTS Roadster, 1997 Audi A6, 1997 Audi Al2, 1997 Audi AL2 Open End, 2000 Audi Project Rosemeyer, 2000 Audi Steppenwolf, 2001 Audi Avantissimo, 2003 Audi Le Mans Quattro, 2003 Audi Nuvolari, 2003 Audi Pikes Peak, 2004 Audi RSQ, 2005 Audi Allroad Quattro, 2005 Audi Shooting Brake, 2006 Audi Q7, 2006 Audi Roadjet, 2006 Audi TT, 2007 Audi Cross Cabriolet Quattro, 2007 Audi Cross Coupe Quattro, 2007 Audi Metroproject Quattro, 2007 Audi TT Clubsport Quattro, 2008 Audi A1 Sportback, 2009 Audi e-tron concept, 2009 Audi Sportback, 2010 Audi A1 e-tron, 2010 Audi Detroit showcar e-tron, 2010 Audi e-tron Spyder, 2010 Audi quattro, 2011 Audi A1 clubsport quattro, 2011 Audi A2 Concept, 2011 Audi A3 e-tron, 2011 Audi A3 Sedan, 2011 Audi Urban e-Tron, 2012 Audi Crosslane Coupe, 2013 Audi Nanuk quattro (ItalDesign), 2013 Audi Sport Quattro, 2014 Audi Allroad Shooting Brake, 2014 Audi Prologue, 2014 Audi TT offroad, 2014 Audi TT Sportback, 2015 Audi e-tron Quattro, 2015 Audi Prologue Allroad, 2015 Audi Prologue Avant, 2016 Audi H-Tron Quattro, 2017 Audi Aicon, 2017 Audi Elaine, 2017 Audi e-tron Sportback, 2017 Audi Q8, 2017 Audi Q8 Sport, 2018 Audi e-tron GT, 2018 Audi PB18 e-tron, 2019 Audi AI:ME, 2019 Audi AI:TRAIL quattro, 2019 Audi Q4 e-tron, 2020 Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron, 2021 Audi A6 e-tron, 2021 Audi Grandsphere, 2021 Audi Skysphere, 2022 Audi A6 Avant e-tron, 2022 Audi Urbansphere, 2023 Audi activesphere, 2024 Audi E
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