1981 Colani 2CV

Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV, 1981
Colani 2CV, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Colani 2CV Record Car, 1981
Utah-9, 1989 - Based on 2CV with electric motor
Utah-9, 1989 - Based on 2CV with electric motor
Иллюстрации: Colani Design
Рейтинг:  33    -11    +44
Fuel economy world record set by the Colani 2CV (based on the French Citroën 2CV, 1.7 litres for 100 km with the original 2CV engine and chassis.
В 1981 году Колани выпустил автомобиль с рекордной экономичностью: Colani 2CV потреблял всего 1,7 литра топлива на 100 километров! Выдающегося бюджета не потребовалось: за основу взяли обычное шасси малолитражки Citroen 2CV, под капотом прототипа располагался штатный бензиновый двигатель. Доработки свелись к созданию оригинального кузова типа «автомобиль-крыло» и замене штатных шин на покрышки Goodyear с низким сопротивлением качению.
По материалам: motor.ru
9 сентября 2009 г.
The original 2CV was never intended to be a high-speed record-breaking vehicle. It was an inexpensive, efficient means of transportation that became an instant design icon.

What do you call a designer that can take such a simple, elegant design concept and completely miss the mark? Luigi Colani!
13 января 2010 г.
it's interesting to see what aerodynamics improvements and light weight design can do for a car performance, and even though I also think Colani overkills in most of his car designs, we can't deny he has shown us that auto industry has aimed other things instead of eficiency, and nothing better than making a streamline body over a production model to prove that, so you have how to campare, and of course, Colani has to build his models over existing power trains.
Esprit de Flandre
24 октября 2010 г.
@Michael: What do you call a commenter that can read a blog post and completely miss the mark? An idiot! :p

It's not a high speed record breaking vehicle. It broke the fuel economy world record, which has nothing to do with high speed.

I rather think it fits perfectly in the philosophy of the 2CV. As a spin-off, of course.
12 июля 2013 г.
Genius is often misunderstood by simple minds.
Luigi Colani is a genius.
8 января 2017 г.
@Micheal : What do you call a commenter that can read a blog post and COMPLETELY miss the mark?!
An IDIOT of the highest order!!

The Colani 2CV is all about high MPG's not high MPH. (Though I bet it performed much better in that regard as well!)
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