1981 Citroen Xenia (Coggiola)
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981 - Interior
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981 - Interior
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981 - Interior
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981 - Interior
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Citroen Xenia Concept, 1981
Рисунок А. Захарова - Citroen Xenia, 1981
Иллюстрации: Concept Car Central; Mario Buonocunto Concept Cars Page
The fashion in the early eighties was for motor manufacturers to display scale models of concept cars rather than vehicles that could actually be driven and Citroën was no exception.
Trevor Fiore was responsible for the "break monocorps" Xenia.
Fiore envisaged it as a GT for the year 2000.
Unfortunately the concept was not developed any further.
Throughout the eighties, Citroën turned down the idea of a single volume car, notwithstanding the success enjoyed by the Renault Espace.
Indeed, PSA turned down the idea when Matra first showed them the idea, based on a BX platform.
It was not until the launch of Evasion/Synergie that Citroën produced an MPV.
The four-passenger Xenia was designed for the American market. With clean lines and loads of glass, the Xenia was also safely-designed, with a straight body line set over the car's 168-inch length and 40-inch height. At the rear, the taillights were placed very low on the rear bumper, under the large glass hatch incorporating the car's name in large letters. The windshield was extended down onto the cowl line for increased visibility. Also continuing this theme were side
windows continuing downward. At the base of the windshield were solar battery cells which produced energy for the entertainment system and comfort features when the car wasn‘t running. All four pear-shaped seats were divided by a central transmission tunnel. All instruments were in visibility of only the driver, due to curved control panels behind the steering wheel, and concealing the information from all other passengers. Radio and ventilation controls were placed
on the central transmission tunnel between the two front seas. The flat dashboard allowed items to be placed neatly. The steering wheel also sat in front of various square buttons in a telephone-like arrangement, controlling the car's entertainment center and vital functions. Rear occupants had use of the entertainment center, which included a video game system on the end of the transmission tunnel, an intercom, and a telephone.
Экспериментальная модель с использованием двигателя и узлов шасси от модели "Ситроен-ЖС" разработана дизайнерами из отдела авангардной стилистики фирмы под руководством Т. Фиоре. Одна из главных целей при создании этого образца, показанного осенью 1981 года во франкфуртском салоне, добиться высоких аэродинамических качеств. Поэтому у машины клиновидная однообъемная форма кузова с задней частью, спроектированной по идеям специалиста-аэродинамика Камма. Гладкое днище, убирающиеся фары, щелевые воздухозаборники системы охлаждения, плоские колпаки колес, стекла, смонтированные заподлицо с поверхностью кузова, и другие решения позволили довести коэффициент лобового сопротивления до 0,25.
Характерным элементом машины является пластмассовый защитный пояс, органически объединенный с бамперами. Центральная стойка кузова перекрыта боковыми стеклами. Среди других особенностей конструкции заслуживают внимания сильно наклоненное лобовое стекло, поднимающиеся наверх двери шириной 1500 мм. Поскольку стекла дверей зафиксированы (не опускаются), необходимые климатические условия в салоне создает кондиционер, который при неработающем двигателе получает питание от солнечных батарей, встроенных в горизонтальную часть панели приборов.
По материалам: www.citroenet.org.uk; Concept Car Central; Журнал "За рулем"
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