1961 Lincoln Continental
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Four-Door Sedan, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Lincoln Continental Convertible, 1961
Иллюстрации: Ford Motor Company; National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library
The 1961 Continental is widely regarded as one of the most iconic, most beautiful automobiles ever built. Its elegant, understated styling made a dramatic departure from tail fins and the heavy chrome popular in the early 1960s. It is famed for its rear-hinged coach doors – designed to allow effortless access – and rarity as a four-door convertible. The 1961 Continental also benefited from a new level of quality control, including a 189-point inspection checklist and the industry’s first twoyear/24,000-mile warranty.
The 1961 Continental, which was designed by Elwood Engel, remains one of the most enduring automotive designs of all time. Its sheer body surfaces, unique center-opening doors, chrome-accented shoulder line and overall restraint established a signature look for Lincoln that was totally unique. Pablo Picasso owned a Continental from this era. 1960s-era Continentals still have tremendous visual impact and have been featured in several popular films, including "The Matrix."
Дебют «континенталей» предыдущих поколений неизменно называли революцией в автомобильном дизайне. Третий не стал исключением. Continental 1961 модельного года даже удостоился премии Института Промышленного дизайна, который крайне редко поощрял автомобили.
У нового Continental вообще не было кузова купе, автомобиль предлагался исключительно как седан или 4-х дверный кабриолет.
Одной из главных фишек третьего «Континенталя» стали задние боковые двери, которые открывались… против хода движения. Эстетский элемент, на который так и просится личный копирайт Lincoln.
По материалам: lincoln.com; conceptcar.co.uk; motor.ru