Oldsmobile Six Advertising Campaign (1926)
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (1926): The car you can recommend to your best friend - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (August, 1926): The car you can recommend to your best friend - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Sedan Ad (1926): The true measure of its value is owner satisfaction - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Sedan Ad (June, 1926): The true measure of its value is owner satisfaction - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Sedan Ad (February-March, 1926): Oldsmobile beauty indicates the quality which extends to the smallest hidden part - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (March-April, 1926): Good to look at, better to drive
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (April, 1926): Asks no favors, fears no road
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Sedan Ad (May, 1926): Buy with confidence, own with pride
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (May, 1926): At the wheel you learn the truth
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Sedan Ad (June, 1926): Those who try it - buy it
Oldsmobile Six Coach Ad (July, 1926): As months and miles roll by you're glad you drive an Oldsmobile
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (July, 1926): As months and miles roll by you're glad you drive an Oldsmobile
Oldsmobile Six Landau Ad (August-September, 1926): Firm in public favor now made better than ever - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (September, 1926): Proved on the proving ground
Oldsmobile Six DeLuxe Coach Ad (October, 1926): Gratifies your finer tastes, satisfies your every need - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six Standard Coach Ad (October-November, 1926): Nimble! Easy to drive, to steer, to park
Oldsmobile Six Landau and DeLuxe Roadster Ad (November, 1926): Their judgement stands confirmed - Illustrated by Fred Cole
Oldsmobile Six Landau Ad (November-December, 1926): New sources of long life, new factors of thrift
Oldsmobile Six Coach Ad (January, 1926): Performance reveals what price conceals
Oldsmobile Six Sedan Ad (February, 1926): Judge Oldsmobile by its fine performance, not by its low price
Oldsmobile Six Coupe Ad (February-April, 1926): Built for man who could pay more, priced for the man who shouldn't
Oldsmobile Six Model Lineup Ad (March, 1926): To Appreciate Oldsmobile's Lowered Prices - Study the Car
Иллюстрации: The Ladies' Home Journal; The Literary Digest; The Saturday Evening Post