
Hudson Advertising Art by Karl Godwin (1929)

The Greater Hudson 7-Passenger Sedan Ad (August, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson 7-Passenger Sedan Ad (August, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Ad (July, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Ad (July, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Five-Passenger Club Sedan Ad (June, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Five-Passenger Club Sedan Ad (June, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Five-Passenger Sport Phaeton Ad (March, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Five-Passenger Sport Phaeton Ad (March, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Seven-Passenger Sedan Ad (January, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
The Greater Hudson Seven-Passenger Sedan Ad (January, 1929): Illustrated by Karl Godwin
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The Greater Hudson
Karl Godwin (1893-1962) was an illustrator who never attained the first rank, yet did some interesting work in color in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

Karl Godwin was born in Canada but got his art education in the States - at the Art Students League. In 1922 and '23 he taught commercial art courses at Chouinard Art School in Los Angeles. By 1940, he had returned to New York City and eventually moved to Westport, Connecticut where he lived until his death in 1962.
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