Great Moments in Early American Motoring: Illustrations by Harry Anderson
1903 Oldsmobile: Come Away with me, Lucille, in my Merry Oldsmobile - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1904 Northern Rear Entrance Tonneau: A Leisurely Country Drive - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1906 Compound: The First Family Car - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1906 Reo Depot Wagon: The Sound of Sleighbells - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1909 White Steamer: The Chief Executive Goes For a Spin - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1910 Baker Electric: Milady Travels on Storage Batteries - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1910 Palmer Singer: Go Team Go! - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1923 Star Station Wagon: Dad's Day Off - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1924 Chrysler: The Open Road Invites Settlement - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1927 Nash Four-Passenger Roadster: The Navajo Indians - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1928 Falcon-Knight Gray Ghost Roadster: Washington, D.C. - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1929 Cadillac Sport Phaeton: Weathered wharves - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1929 Chrysler Imperial Roadster - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1929 Duesenberg: America's Luxury Cars - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1929 Franklin Sport Touring Car: On Halloween - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1930 Austin Bantam Coupe: Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, New York - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1930 Ruxton Roadster: Barn Antiques - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1931 Pierce-Arrow Custom Club Sedan - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1932 Chevrolet Sport Roadster: A Good Freeze and a gentle breeze - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1932 Lincoln Convertible Sedan: Gold Ghost Town, Bodie, California - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1933 Marmon V-16 Coupe: Mt. Vernon, Virginia - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1933 Packard Sport Phaeton: Down from the granite heights (Yosemite Falls) - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1933 Pierce Silver Arrow: The Maryland State House - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1934 Chrysler Airflow Sedan: The Oldest House, St. Augustine, Florida - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1935 Auburn Boat-tail Speedster: Stanton Hall, Natchez, Mississippi - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1936 Duesenberg Model JN Convertible Coupe: Mt. Rushmore National Monument, Black Hills, South Dakota - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1936 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan: Flying Kites on the Beach - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1937 Cord '812' Convertible Coupe: For pioneer American skiers - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1938 Hudson Eight Convertible Coupe: Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1941 Lincoln Continental: Paul Revere in bronze - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
1947 Chrysler Town and Country Convertible: Mystic Seaport - Illustrated by Harry Anderson
Images: 'Humble Oil & Refining Company' Esso/Exxon Calendars
Happy Motoring!
Do you remember those beautifully illustrated car calendars from the 1960's and 70's? Exxon produced and distributed them at their service stations, along with road maps (remember them?). Well, if you ever saw or owned one of these calendars, you probably had no idea that it would become a collector's item. And you may not have known the name or reputation of the artist behind them. His name was Harry Anderson.
Born in 1906 Chicago to Swedish parents. Harry enjoyed a stable family life and showed early proficiency in mathematics. A math major at the University of Illinois, Harry took a painting class as a breather from the challenging major course requirements. Here he discovered his talent and love for drawing, and his path changed direction. He enrolled at the Syracuse (NY) School of Art in 1927 and graduated with honors in 1931. His "mid-course correction" changed forever his career and his life. Though it took more than a year during the Depression Era to make his first magazine illustration sale, he eventually became one of America's foremost illustrators. By 1937 he began work on a national advertising campaign for Sealed Power Piston Rings; by the late 1930's and 1940'; Harry had established himself as a much sought-after illustrator for the major magazines of the day, including Collier's, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Ladies' Home Journal, Redbook and The Saturday Evening Post, among others. He married Ruth Huebel in 1941 and enjoyed a long and successful career illustrating for many religious publishing houses, often accepting only minimum wage for these latter efforts.
Harry's art earned many accolades during his lifetime, including the prestigious New York An Directors Club Award, membership in the National Academy of Design, and induction into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame.
In the Sixties he began painting calendars for Esso (now Exxon Oil Company), creating beautiful images of American landmarks and featuring the classic cars of the era. Called "Great Moments in American History" and "Great Moments in Early American Motoring," these paintings are shining examples of what Harry Anderson was capable of, at a time in his life when many of his generation were in toned retirement. Only Norman Rockwell and Harry Anderson were still supporting themselves as artist/ illustrators into their older age, and both artists' work reflected their high morals and fine characters.
Enjoy these early advertising images and calendar illustrations—they are outstanding and just a small sample of Harry's body of work. Harry Anderson died in 1996 at age ninety; the last of a generation of illustrators from the Golden Age of magazine illustration. His work is still circulated and loved today, especially by a new generation of young readers and artists.
I know many people who were quite well acquainted with Harry Anderson, and each describes him as a rare individual possessed of great talent, varied interests (he crafted models of ships and buggies, hooked rugs, made furniture, carved wood) and remarkable humility. I It was a wonderful husband and father, and left a legacy—personal and artistic—that continues to inspire and bless others. This was always Harry Anderson's highest aim.
Гарри Андерсон родился в Чикаго (США) 11 августа 1906 года. В детстве он любил и умел рисовать, однако вовсе не мечтал о карьере художника. Напротив, увлеченный точными науками (математикой в особенности), Гарри в свое время поступил в Университет Иллинойса и только тогда обнаружил в себе очевидную склонность к рисунку и живописи. В 1927 году Андерсон отправился в Нью-Йорк и поступил в Школу Искусств, где получил превосходное классическое художественное образование.
К 1937-му году художник был одним из востребованных художников, работая для самых знаменитых изданий. Художник был не только знаменит, но и неоднократно награждён. Особо значимой наградой для Андерсона стала престижная премия от Нью-Йоркского Общества Художников.
Как иллюстратор он был поставлен в узкие временные рамки. Андерсон эффективно использовал своё время и, поэтому, много в работе использовал фото. Андерсон был отличным фотографом (умело выставлял свет, располагал фигуры), а его аналитическое восприятие, безусловно, помогало ему в создании успешных картин. Часто он просил друзей или коллег позировать. Во время работы над иллюстрацией для Woman’s Home Companion, Андерсон пригласил Рут Хьюбел из журнала Esquire позировать для него. А через год они поженились… а его клиентом стала Coca-Cola.
Аллергия на масляные краски заставила его перейти на яичную темперу, а, вместе с этим — изменить стиль иллюстраций. Вырастает детализация, чётче становится игра света и тени… А в 1944 году он становится адепотом Церкви адвентистов седьмого дня и большая половина его работ теперь посвящена иллюстрациям, посвященным вопросам веры.
В 50-70-е гг. он много работает, получает большой многолетний заказ на календари серии "Величайшие моменты ранней американской автомобильной истории" от Esso (будущей Exxon), работает над заказами для Humble Oil, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Redbook. На склоне лет он всё больше работает для своего удовольствия… и покидает этот мир в 1996 году. Его творчество навсегда останется в памяти тех, кому были и остаются интересны оригинальные работы талантливого художника.
Source: Harry Anderson, Artist Extraordinaire by Victoria Wilson