2020 Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Interior
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020 - Design Sketch
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR, 2020
Images: Mercedes-Benz
Mercedes-Benz’ Avatar-Inspired Vision AVTR (Advanced Vehicle Transformation) Brings Man, Machine, And Nature Together As One
На Международной выставке потребительской электроники CES-2020 состоялась премьера нового концепт-кара от Mercedes-Benz Vision AVTR (Advanced Vehicle Transformation). В названии также зашифрована отсылка к фильму Джеймса Кэмерона «Аватар», которым вдохновлялись разработчики автомобиля.
В компании объяснили, что Vision AVTR демонстрирует связь между человеком, природой и машиной, а также олицетворяет собой мечту об обществе, в котором эти три звена сосуществуют в идеальном симбиозе.
Шоу-кар получил электрическую силовую установку, а детали интерьера, в том числе кресла, изготовлены из переработанных материалов и своей формой напоминающие гамаки обитателей Пандоры в фильме Кэмерона. Привычные органы управления отсутствуют, так что водителю придется полностью довериться автопилоту.
Четырехместный Vision AVTR имеет каплевидную форму, а в салоне предусмотрены места для четырех человек. «Внеземной» вид автомобилю добавляют 33 подвижных аэродинамических закрылка в задней части, которые могут синхронно изменять свое положение. Еще одна необычная функция – ритмичная пульсация подсветки, которая подстраивается под ритм сердцебиения водителя.
В движение электрокар приводит 470-сильная установка, а емкость батареи составляет 110 киловатт-часов. В Mercedes-Benz подчеркнули, что аккумулятор не содержит редкоземельных металлов и работает на принципах органической химии. На одном заряде Vision AVTR способен проехать 700 километров.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspired by AVATAR: The name of the groundbreaking concept vehicle stands not only for the close collaboration in developing the showcar together with the AVATAR team but also for ADVANCED VEHICLE TRANSFORMATION. This concept vehicle embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers and trend researchers for mobility in the distant future.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR – inspired by AVATAR is the result of an unprecedented global partnership between one of the most innovative brands in the entertainment industry and the eighth most valuable brand in the world, Mercedes-Benz.
Inspired by the world of Pandora – the VISION AVTR shows a completely new interaction between human, machine and nature.
Design and UX
Fusion of interior and exterior: The holistic concept of the VISION AVTR combines the design disciplines interior, exterior and UX on an unprecedented scale. The distinctive inside-out design structure combines inside and outside into an emotional whole and was inspired by several creatures from the movie AVATAR. With its stretched "One Bow" design and organic design language, the VISION AVTR offers a visionary outlook on the design of the future.
Biometric connection: Instead of a conventional steering wheel, the multifunctional control element in the center console allows human and machine to merge. By placing the hand on the control unit, the interior comes to life and the vehicle recognizes the driver by his or her heartbeat and breathing.
Immersive experience space: By simply lifting the hand, a menu selection is projected onto the palm of the hand, through which the passenger can intuitively choose between different functionalities. For example, real-time 3D graphics can be used to explore the fictional world of Pandora from different perspectives. The curved display module creates the visual connection between passengers and the outside world.
Sustainability and Drive
Organic battery technology made of recyclable materials: For the first time, the VISION AVTR concept vehicle is using a revolutionary battery technology based on graphene-based organic cell chemistry that is completely free of rare earths and metals. The materials of the battery are compostable and therefore completely recyclable. In this way, electric mobility becomes independent of fossil resources. As a result, Mercedes-Benz underlines the high relevance of a future circular economy in the raw materials sector.
The vehicle as a living creature: The 33 "bionic flaps" on the back of the vehicle are reminiscent of scales of reptiles. They can communicate with the driver and through the driver with their outside world through naturally flowing movements in subtle gestures. Due to the possibility to drive the front and rear axles in the same or opposite direction, the VISION AVTR can move sideways by approx. 30 degrees, in contrast to conventional vehicles. The so-called "crab movement" gives the concept vehicle an animal-like appearance even in its movement.
Sustainable materials: The seats of the VISION AVTR are refined by vegan DINAMICA®leather. DINAMICA® is the first and only microfiber that guarantees environmental sustainability throughout the entire production cycle. The floor is decorated with an innovative wood called Karuun®. The raw material for Karuun (Rattan) grows very fast as a natural raw material and is harvested by hand in Indonesia. The material gives the interior warmth and radiates naturalness.
Source: motor.ru; Mercedes-Benz Press Release