
2015 Seat 20V20

Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Seat 20V20 Concept, 2015 - Interior Design Sketch
Images: Seat
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At the 2015 Geneva Motor Show SEAT has presented the 20V20 Concept, a sporty SUV that previews the design direction for the future production models of the brand.
В Женеве состоялась премьера первого в современной истории кроссовера испанской марки. На рынок он должен выйти уже в следующем году, причем концепт выглядит весьма похожим на серийную модель. Однако некоторые разработки до конвейера вряд ли доберутся.

Концепт, который назвали Seat 20V20, не преподносится производителем, как привычный "вседорожник". По утверждению разработчиков, новинка сочетает в себе черты спорткупе, кроссовера и среднеразмерного универсала. При этом именно Seat 20V20 демонстрирует, в каком направлении будет развиваться в дальнейшем фирменная стилистика Seat: производитель считает внешний вид испанских автомобилей одним из главных козырей.

"Именно дизайн очень часто называется в качестве одной из причин покупки Seat, и мы планируем это использовать – конечно, наряду с современными технологиями", - заявил в Женеве глава компании Юрген Стакманн.

Концепт оказался заметно крупнее хэтчбека Leon: при длине в 4,66 м он получил 2,8-метровую колесную базу и внушительный 228-миллиметровый дорожный просвет. Утверждается, что объем багажного отделения концепта превышает 600 л, при этом под полом багажника спрятаны две тележки для супермаркетов.

Кроме того, в интерьер кроссовера интегрирован оригинальный электроскутер, названный производителем Personal Mover. Предполагается, что водитель будет использовать это транспортное средство при передвижении от парковки до пункта своего конечного назначения.

О силовой установке Seat 20V20 пока ничего не сообщается, однако в Seat уже успели отметить, что конструкция кроссовера предполагает возможность установки как бензинового или дизельного мотора, так и гибридной установки.

Ничего удивительного: в основе концепта лежит широко распространенная модульная платформа MQB концерна Volkswagen. Предполагается, что его серийная версия (включая "заряженную" модификацию Cupra) будет выпускаться на заводе компании Skoda в Чехии. По сведениям издания Autocar, кроссовер должен увеличить европейские продажи Seat как минимум на 10%, а главным его конкурентом назван Nissan Qashqai.

Martorell / Geneva, 02/03/2015 At the Geneva Motor Show, SEAT is presenting a clear
perspective on the future of the brand. The SEAT 20V20 showcar is the vision of an
extremely sporty and powerful SUV. This athletic and muscular vehicle marks a systematic
development of the Spanish brand's highly praised design language. The 20V20 redefines
the meaning of sports-utility in this vehicle class, because driving fun simply cannot look
any better and utility simply cannot be any sportier.

The SEAT 20V20 (meaning "vision veinte veinte", Spanish for 20:20) combines the dynamic
silhouette of a four-door sports coupé with the refinement of an SUV and the versatility and
utility of a mid-size estate car. SEAT's new showcar displays the powerful tension of an
athlete under starter's orders, with the clear precision of a fine instrument and with the
sensuality of a perfect body gleaming in the sun. It was designed with the passion of the
Spanish brand. It is painted in ultra orange, a colour of an intensity that can only be created
in the clear light of Barcelona's morning sun.

"The Vision 20V20 is a new calling card for the SEAT brand," says Jürgen Stackmann,
Chairman and CEO of SEAT S.A. "With the 20V20, we are demonstrating how we will
develop the unique and highly successful SEAT design language for forthcoming models .
Design is already one of the most important reasons for buying a SEAT and we intend to
build on this strength, along with technology. Many details of the 20V20 will be evident in
future production models. Also important is the fact that we are now applying the winning
Leon formula to the entire range and for sure it will be the winning SEAT formula for the

The SEAT 20V20 is sure to look powerful and refined in any given situation. With its 20-inch
wheels and the determined expression conveyed by its adaptive full-LED headlamps, this
sports utility has a robust stance that is in no way aggressive. At a length of 4,659 metres,
the "veinte-veinte" also fits perfectly into the European landscape. Despite its low and
dynamic lines, the 20V20 offers a generous amount of space and premium ambience for
five. Natural leather, crafted with exquisite three-dimensionality using an innovative
process, aluminium and dark glass are the dominant materials. What matters more,
however, is the precision and quality of the craftsmanship with which the showcar
demonstrates one of the cores of the SEAT brand.

"veinte-veinte shows clearly SEAT's ambition for the future. Our future design language
on the one hand, and on the other, the positioning of our brand for young spirited
customers on a five year horizon," says Jürgen Stackmann, Chairman and CEO of SEAT S.A.
"This is how we see the brand in the future, bold, characterful, technology driven,
connected and attractive for customers to have SEAT on their shopping list. SEAT is to
have a change from gravity towards higher segments and higher profitability. "

With its highly versatile interior and more than 600 litres of luggage space, the fourdoor
SUV coupé concept marks a systematic development of the SEAT brand's technology
platform. A unique SEAT Personal Drive Device serves as the ignition key and
operating interface inside the car and as a pedestrian navigation system when outside the
car – guiding you directly back to the 20V20, should you ever happen to forget where it is
parked. Intelligent lightweight design is a given at SEAT. In combination with body
development, this enhances the exceptional efficiency of the 20V20, while a
comprehensive package of driver assistance systems raises the levels of comfort and
safety even further. In the cockpit, the freely programmable virtual displays can be
extensively individualised, ensuring highly intuitive and ergonomic operation of the vehicle.
The SEAT Connect technologies on-board make the 20V20 an integral part of the networked
world. Perfect integration and simple operation, largely via voice control, are givens. The
array of drive options is multi-faceted and accommodates powerful TSI drives of up to
around 220 kW / 300 PS as well as TDI engines that are as powerful as they are efficient,
with up to 176 kW / 240 PS – both, of course, also as plug-in hybrids with the option for
electric-only driving. The power is delivered to the wheels via the DSG transmission and
electronically controlled all-wheel drive.

"We are showing with the 20V20 showcar what a good fit such a sporty SUV is for our
brand. The SEAT design language is unmistakeable and will be even more enticing and
expressive in future. We're also working hard on the ongoing development of the
innovative package of technologies featured in the 20V20. We are well prepared for any
challenge the future has to offer," says Dr. Matthias Rabe, SEAT Executive Vice President
for Research and Development. "The 20V20 is extremely dynamic, yet possesses a
compelling degree of utility. And it provides the platform for all kinds of drives, from high-performance TDI to plug-in hybrid, and for the very latest assistance systems. Our SEAT
Connect technologies make every SEAT a fully integrated part of the networked world"

The Design –
full of tension, sensual, powerful

"Barcelona is our home and our inspiration. The clarity of the light helps with the clarity of
the ideas. We are passionate perfectionists and we are showing that here with this
showcar," says Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos, Head of SEAT Design. "Our 20V20 has a
clear look, with powerful forward momentum. It possesses phenomenal tension and great
depth of sensuality."

SEAT is taking a major step into the future with this 2020 vision – thus continuing its clear
development path. This showcar originates from a distinct and unique brand image – SEAT
is perfectionist in its demands and passionate in its expression. The 20V20 embodies both,
in the precision with which every single line is logically thought out and finely executed,
and in the excitement it inspires in the beholder.

"Automotive beauty is based on two factors," says Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos: "The
perfect balance of proportions and the clarity of the design content." Substantial, 20-inch
wheels, a long 2791 mm wheelbase, a 1648 mm wide track in the front and 1638 mm in
the rear, and low greenhouse with a straight roofline give the 20V20 very taut, dynamic
proportions. "These horizontal lines and the characteristic SEAT blisters on the sides give it
very clear forward momentum. They convey the feeling of speed and directional clarity –
like an arrow."

Tension is another element used by SEAT designers – the coiled tension of an athlete just
prior to the start. The slightly rearward positioning of the greenhouse, giving the sense of a
very long bonnet, the perfect proportions of wheels, to metal, to glass, the pointed front
end and the negative turn-in at the rear all reinforce this impression.

This is further enhanced by very sculptural treatment of the lines and surfaces. The wheel
arches are powerfully accentuated front and rear and framed by slender, powerfully three-
dimensional and structured surfaces. The sculptural impression is heightened considerably
by the paintwork developed specifically for the "veinte-veinte". Not only is ultra orange
particularly luminescent, it also possesses enormous visual depth.

This impression of a muscular body is created by a systematic process of detailing. A radius,
such as on the outer side of the door, is never constant. Instead, it increases in one
direction, while tightening in the other. Like a muscle. On the other hand, some of the
edges, such as those on the characteristic SEAT blisters along the sides, are sharper than
ever. The radius here measures an unbelievably tight 1.1 millimetres. Moreover, each edge
is highlighted with a negative turn. This kind of high-precision design is a huge challenge
when it comes to bodyshell manufacturing – but also a major SEAT competence as
evidenced today in the current SEAT Leon.

The front end of the 20V20 features the X-shape as a fundamental design element. The Vshape
of the bonnet and the grille stands for dynamism and forward momentum. The front
bumper, with its inverted V, stands for stability and robustness, for a firm stance on the
road. The showcar's full-LED headlamps also convey distinctive character. Their focus
appears distant; their expression determined and powerful.

The rear-end design also picks up the X reference. The lines are a little subtler, as
expressed by the deep draw of the tailgate and the rear bumper. The rear lights possess the
characteristic triangular form used in a number of the 20V20's design details. "We love the
triangle at SEAT Design," says Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos. "It isn't unstable like a circle
or immobile like a rectangle. The triangle has direction; it is always dynamic."

Besides proportions, the most important aspects for SEAT's chief designer are always the
clarity and logic of the lines. Every single line on the 20V20 has a clear relationship with
each one of the others. There is not one line too many or superfluous. The balance between
richness of form and clarity of logic is quite simply right.

The Interior –
generous, precise, premium

The combination of sporty performance, relaxed refinement and precision quality
expressed by the exterior design is also evident in the interior of the SEAT 20V20 showcar.
With its clear structure and determined driver focus, its form is derived from the design
language of the current Leon family, with a consistently forward-looking interpretation.

"A generous, yet safe feeling of space, innovative use of premium materials and, of course,
the very latest in information and communication technology make the SEAT 20V20 an
oasis of wellbeing on wheels," says SEAT designer-in-chief Alejandro Mesonero-Romanos.

With its high shoulder line, the 20V20 offers a pleasant feeling of solidity and safety that is
especially appreciated by SUV drivers, while an enveloping line running around the whole
interior creates a feeling of spaciousness. SEAT designers refer to this cohesive impression
of space as the loft effect.

In the interior, too, tight radii and flowing lines display the level of precision characteristic
of a SEAT. The dominant materials leather, aluminium, glass and high-gloss plastic are of
exceptionally high quality and crafted with enormous attention to detail. Everything feels
solid and safe – yet, at the same time, airy and lightweight.

Natural leather in saddle brown from Italian specialists Poltrona Frau endows the interior
with a look that is both high class and robust. Orange stitching provides a bold contrast
and brings the luminescent exterior colour of the "veinte-veinte" into the interior. The
leather on the door panels and around the sills has been processed using an innovative
technique, creating a distinctly three-dimensional structure. Finely distributed triangles
give the surface a surprising vitality.

The Technology –
looking into the future

The proverbial key to driving pleasure in the 20V20 is the SEAT Personal Drive Device,
a beautiful piece of tactile design in the shape of a large coin. Outside the vehicle, this
Personal Device functions as a mobile navigation system, as well as a remote control for
functions such as stationary heating or cooling and for managing the charging process on
a plug-in hybrid version. When in the vehicle, the SEAT Personal Drive Device is
mounted on the centre console using magnets and serves as an operating element for the
SEAT Drive Profile individualisation functions.

"Future calls for excellence in connectivity," says Dr. Matthias Rabe, SEAT Executive Vice
President for Research and Development. "We focus our efforts to continually innovate in
this field."

The whole cockpit of the 20V20 looks like a continuous, high-gloss black panel. Set into it
are three TFT screens, the largest of which measures 12.3 inches and serves as the Virtual
Cockpit delivering the main driver information, while the navigation, entertainment and
connectivity functions are shared between the other screens. The content and presentation
can be individualised via SEAT Drive Profile. Mobile phones connect with the system via
Bluetooth and can be operated using a touchscreen in the cockpit. It can be charged simply
by laying it in the Charge Box located in the centre console. Another touchscreen enables
its use from the rear seats.

From the outside, the SEAT 20V20 looks like a four-door sport coupé with a robust character,
big 765 mm diameter wheels and heightened 228 mm ground clearance. On the inside and
in the boot, however, it comes over as surprisingly spacious, with a compelling degree of
utility and more than 600 litres of luggage space. This starts with plenty of room, especially
for rear-seat passengers – thanks to the long wheelbase and clever packaging. The variable
layout of the rear seat bench means that the "veinte-veinte" can be used as either a four or a
five-seater. Beneath the tailgate, with its very low loading edge of 796mm, is an amply
proportioned boot. Two luggage trolleys are perfectly integrated into its floor, as well as the
Personal Mover. An electric personal urban vehicle comprising a long board with an
electric motor that provides a fast and sporty means for the driver to cover the last few
metres from parking space to home or office - a perfect match for such a car.
Source: auto.vesti.ru; SEAT Press Release
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