
2001 I.DE.A KAZ

I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
I.DE.A KAZ, 2001 - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
Images: web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~hiros/kaz/
Rating:  8    -6    +14
KAZ - Keio Advanced Zero-Emission Vehicle
Electric powered prototype developed entirely by I.DE.A Institute with the KEIO University in Japan (Geneva Motor Show 2001)
KAZ is a high performance and highly functional vehicle compared with a conventional ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) thanks to the development of new component technologies and system technologies.

KAZ was designed from the ground up and has, therefore, not been converted from an ICE MPV, making the design of the body very flexible.

KAZ uses three innovative component technologies. The Lithium-ion battery was the most important in order to supply a high energy and high power to KAZ. The Intelligent Power Module (IPM) was useful to make inverters with low energy loss and of a compact size. The motors realised with Nd-Fe Rare Earth magnets are highly efficient, with high torque and high-speed with a compact size.

KAZ has an interesting appearance which is a modern interpretation of MPV designed by the team at I.DE.A Institute, where this first running prototype was also developed and built.

Этот многоместный минивэн называется KAZ. К грузовикам Кутаисского автомобильного завода он не имеет никакого отношения: аббревиатура KAZ расшифровывается как Keio Advanced Zero-emission vehicle.

Восьмиместный восьмиколесный (!) автомобиль длиной 6,7 метра спроектирован в университете японского города Кейо под руководством профессора Хироси Симицу и построен итальянской фирмой I.De.A. Колеса первой, второй и четвертой оси — управляемые. Подвеска — гидропневматическая. Каждое колесо оснащено индивидуальным 55-киловаттным электродвигателем, который питается от литий-ионных аккумуляторов. Суммарная мощность — 440 кВт (590 л.с.). Запас хода — до 300 км. Максимальная расчетная скорость трехтонной машины — 300 км/ч!
Source: www.idea.institute.it; web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~hiros/kaz/; Авторевю №5, 2001. Выставки: Женева 2001
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