
1995 Kia KEV-4

Tags: Concepts, 1995, Kia
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Kia KEV-4, 1995
Images: Kia Motors Corp.
Rating:  17    -7    +24
Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Any car called Kev would presumably have a tough time in the real world, though this Kia's facial resemblance to some sort of primeval platypus would probably have been its main drawback. What the 1995 Kev 4 lacked in beauty though it made up for in (claimed) brains: it was a hybrid petrol-electric with regenerative braking and solar-powered air con and heating. A glassfibre body further lightened the load.
Source: Simon Hacker/MSN Cars
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