1995 BMW Z21 (Just 4/2)
Images: BMW
BMW Z21 "Just 4/2" Concept
Another prototype offering the prospect of driving fun that had previously been confined to the realms of the motorcycle captivated the driving public at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1995.
The BMW Z21 project launched in the same year saw engineers at BMW Technik GmbH transferring their focus from off-road capability to enhanced driving pleasure on metalled roads. The result was a minimalist two-seater that left its engineering delights exposed to public view and truly lived up to the formulation of “Just 4/2” enshrined in its name.
Only rudimentary vestiges of bodywork can be seen in the BMW Just 4/2, and the wheels are freestanding to emulate a formula racing car. The four- cylinder power unit generating 73 kW/100 hp loaned from the BMW K 1100 model was more than a match for the prototype weighing only 550 kilograms.
The two-seater accelerated from a standing start to 100 km/h in around 6 seconds and notched up a top speed of 180 km/h. Specially developed clothing and helmets provided enhanced protection for the occupants alongside airbags for driver and passenger, and side-impact protection, to transform the Z21 project into a complete work of art at the premiere in Tokyo.
The Z21 was displayed at the 1995 Tokyo Motor Show. Just as the name says, (just four two) it is a motorcycle on four wheels: a two-seater with open wheels, without a roof or windscreen. It is driven by a rear-mounted four-cylinder 100-BHP BMW K1100 engine which catapults the 1212 pound runabout to a speed of 62 mph in about six seconds. The instruments tell the driver the most important things but not more. This has nothing to do with thriftiness as no safety equipment is missing from the Just 4/2. It also has side-impact protection and driver and passenger airbags are included.
And then there are a multitude of new ideas such as a trunk which can be carried like a suitcase and is, therefore, a trunk and suitcase in one. There are also accessories for the driver and passenger which are as chic as they are practical with everything from a weatherproof outfit to a helmet – everything matching the Just 4/2.
Концепт BMW Z21 - публика увидела на автосалоне в Токио в 1995 году. Правда, выступал он не под скучным серийным номером, а под сценическим именем Just 4/2. В переводе с современного английского - "только для двоих" (just for two).
По сути - мотоцикл, только о четырех колесах, и ездоки сидят рядом, а не друг за другом. Нет ни крыши, ни ветрового стекла. Мотор мотоциклетный (от BMW K100), он разгоняет 550-килограммовый родстер до сотни менее чем за шесть секунд...
Source: BMW Technik GmbH; www.ultimatecarpage.com; Михаил Васильев. "Мозговой трест" (Журнал "Мотор")