1991 Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato)
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Ferrari 348 Elaborazione (Zagato), 1991
Images: Zagato; www.ferraridatabase.com
Больше 15 лет понадобилось Zagato, чтобы вновь вспомнить о существовании Ferrari. В 1991 году миру была предъявлена новая интерпретация на тему «гарцующей лошади» – 348tb Elaborazione Zagato. С серийного купе убрали все лишние декоративные элементы. Переднюю решетку заменили панелью с двумя дополнительными фарами. Боковые воздухозаборники увеличились, им придали «форму NACA». Пара таких же заборников поменьше появилась на крышке багажника, крышу машины украсили два легендарных фирменных «пузыря». Авторам проекта показалось недостаточно трех зеркал заднего вида – двух наружных и одного внутреннего. Поэтому они встроили в заднюю кромку крыши телекамеру, изображение с которой передавалось на монитор на центральной консоли. Огромное окно в центре капота приглашало полюбоваться двигателем V8 с ярко-желтой надписью Ferrari на черном фоне. Сразу за капотом находился узкий спойлер с изменяемым углом атаки. Однако у многих специалистов его аэродинамическая эффективность вызывала большие сомнения. Картину завершали шесть круглых фонарей, глубоко утопленных в заднюю панель кузова. 348tb Elaborazione – первый «Zagato-Ferrari», выпущенный небольшой серией. Цена автомобиля так и осталась секретом – его хранят 22 счастливых владельца.
Between 1991 and '92, a handful of Ferrari 348's had their original Pininfarina-designed bodywork extensively modified by carrozzeria Zagato of Milan. However, due to legislative restrictions on crashworthiness, Zagato decided not to modify the engine, running gear or chassis of the stock 348, instead focusing on the aesthetics inside and out. Indeed, this programme influenced it's designation, Zagato's creation being known as the Elaborazione.
Visually, the front bumper was, like the rest of the car, more rounded than Pininfarina's initial design. It incorporated a fake central grille that was either oval or square, this being flanked by circular side and driving lights sunken into the surrounding valance. A lightweight aluminium bonnet featured two prominent NACA ducts carved into it while the cabin unsurprisingly featured Zagato's trademark ‘Double Bubble’ roof treatment that provided a marginal increase in cockpit headroom. Meanwhile, the distinctive new engine cover was also fabricated from alloy and featured a clear glass screen similar to those so often seen on Willy Koenig's Testarossa convertibles of the late 1980’s and, more recently, for Pininfarina's 360 Modena. But Zagato could never have retained those heavily stylised engine vents from the stock 348 that were such an obvious Pininfarina trademark of the period, the Milanese designers blending in two substantial NACA ducts to help cool the engine.
The tail treatment saw a switch to three circular pods located on each side of the rear facia while an electronically operated deck spoiler featured Ferrari and Zagato graphics that only became visible when raised. Other interesting features of these bespoke 348's were their custom OZ Racing split rim alloy wheels, external fuel filler caps and three-inch rear view TV monitors plumbed into the cabin. Indeed, the interior was very thoroughly redesigned and came trimmed almost exclusively in suede. Overall, the Elaborazione was a curious mix of design cues but was, nevertheless, a machine immediately recognisable as the work of Zagato. A production run of 22 was originally planned although we are unsure if this number was ever achieved.
Source: Чертова дюжина (Владимир Князьков), Журнал "Мотор" 5-2007; www.ferraridatabase.com