1956 Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia)
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia), 1956
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia), 1956 - The Ghia-designed 1956 Ferrari Superamerica featured astonishingly high rear fins.
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia), 1956 - The Ghia-designed Superamerica had a wraparound windshield and distinctive nose shape.
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia), 1956
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia), 1956
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia) – Turin'56
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia) – Development
Ferrari 410 Superamerica (Ghia) – Design Sketch
Images: Ghia; www.shorey.net
The 1956 Ferrari 410 Superamerica Coupe #0473SA was Carrozzeria Ghia's last Ferrari.
The Ferrari 410 Superamerica was officially introduced at 1955’s Paris Auto Show as a naked chassis. The finished car was displayed four months later at the Brussels Motor Show. Its elegant but sober body by Pinin Farina was not unlike that seen on the design house’s five Europa GT prototypes.
Among other Ferrari 410 Superamerica coachbuilders, Carrozzeria Ghia created a wild one-off with large fins and styling themes echoing those of some of its mid-1950s show cars. This was Ghia’s last Ferrari.
One 1956 Ferrari 410 Superamerica body was created by Ghia — a creation of chief designer Giovanni Savonuzzi, who had penned the Gilda and Chrysler Dart show cars and to which the Ghia 410 bore a strong resemblance.
Unfortunately, it was not generally regarded as one of the better-looking Ferrari Superamericas because of its sharply pointed fins that towered almost a foot and a half above the rear fender line. Its massive rear bumper, which looked as though it came straight out of Detroit, didn't help either.
The car also featured a wraparound windshield, as was the vogue in the mid-1950s, complete with a lower rear corner dogleg that bruised many a drivers' knees.
Экстремальное купе, спроектированное дизайнером Джованни Савонуцци из ателье Carrozzeria Ghia - создателем таких концепт-каров, как Ghia Gilda и Chrysler Dart. Автомобиль был построен по заказу американского бизнесмена Роберта Вильке, уже владевшего одной яркой Ferrari 375 MM от Ghia. Новый шедевр Савонуцци соответствовал американским вкусам: машина получила высокие остроконечные плавники, массивный задний бампер с интегрированными выхлопными трубами, панорамное лобовое стекло, частично прикрытые колёса, утопленные фары, хромированную решётку радиатора и передний бампер в форме крыльев чайки. Такого с Ferrari не делал ещё никто, и когда Коммендаторе увидел автомобиль воочию, он был в шоке. О его реакции красноречиво свидетельствовал тот факт, что больше ни одна Ferrari не оснащалась кузовом от Ghia вплоть до ликвидации ателье в 1970 г.
Source: auto.howstuffworks.com; automotive-heritage.com
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