Packard Advertising Art (1928–1929)
Packard Eight Ad (October, 1928) - A luxurious riding comfort hitherto unknown in any motor car distinguishes the new Packard Eight
Packard Eight LeBaron All-Weather Cabriolet Ad (November, 1928) - The distinguished beauty of the Packard Eight is universally recognized and lauded by every gathering of fine car owners.
Packard Eight Ad (November-December, 1928) - Packard was born into the world of taste and refinement, and in that world its leadership continues supreme
Packard Eight Coupe Ad (December, 1928 - January, 1929) - Each Packard is built to the exacting requirements of the world's most discriminating clientele
Packard Eight Ad (December, 1928) - Inbred qualities of character, ability and good taste are expected from those of a distinguished family
Packard Eight Coupe Ad (January, 1929) - In the guidhalls of medieval Europe definite standards of craftsmanship and quality ideals were first established
Packard Eight Ad (January-February, 1929) - Those to the manner born still rule in the realm of taste and artistic discernment
Packard Eight Ad (February, 1929) - Ability and achievement have ever won permanent place in those organizations consecrated to one high ideal
Packard Eight Ad (February–March, 1929) - For centuries man has combed the farthest corners of the earth for new and precious materials
Packard Eight Ad (March, 1929) - The quality ideals, the original research, which created the first Packard still govern the building of Packard cars today
Packard Eight Ad (March, 1929) - Packard has pioneered as boldly in modern industry as earlier Americans in opening a western empire to progress
Packard Eight Ad (March–April, 1929) - The pure beauty of classic Greek architecture will endure forever. The principles of sound design are changeless
Packard Eight Ad (April–May, 1929) - The Emperor Justinian codified and restated the principles of Roman law and conduct
Packard Eight Coupe Ad (April–May, 1929) - James Monroe, in his famous doctrine, formulated America's lasting policy of independent action and freedom from outside interference
Packard Eight Ad (May, 1929) - To the golden voice of Jenny Lind a cultured American public paid immediate and merited homage
Packard Eight Ad (June–July, 1929) - Over uncharted seas New England clipper ships sought and found a rich commerce — establishing permanent trade routes
Packard Eight Dual Cowl Phaeton Ad (June–July, 1929) - Only by exceptional merit does a foreign product win preferment in the centers of old world wealth and culture
Packard Eight Dual Cowl Phaeton Ad (July, 1929) - Only through high intent and steadfast will to achieve are obstacles overcome — the heights attained
Packard Eight Ad (July–August, 1929) - Willing years of patient artistry are often gladly devoted to a single piece of rare and exclusite lace
Packard Town Car Ad (August, 1929) - Only men of cultured background, sterling character and ripe experience merit ambassadorships from our nation to the world powers
Packard 633 7-Passenger Sedan Ad (August–September, 1929) - The Roman priestesses of Vesta were consecrated to the protection and unfailing continuance of the pagan temple's sacred flame