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Canoo LTV (2022)

Canoo LTV (2022)
Canoo LTV (2022)
Bilder: Canoo
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Mission Accomplished: Canoo Delivers Light Tactical Vehicle to Army for Analysis & Demonstration
Американский стартап Canoo, который анонсировал линейку электромобилей и заключил контракт с Национальным управлением по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства США (NASA) на поставку электромобилей для перемещения астронавтов к стартовой площадке, откуда они отправятся на Луну в рамках миссии «Артемида», нацелился на поставки в американскую армию. Концептуальный электромобиль Canoo Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) продемонстрировали как перспективный армейский транспорт.

В основу LTV лёг перспективный гражданский электрический пикап, но отличающийся особой конфигурацией. Армейская модификация имеет однорядную кабину и силовой передний бампер с буксировочными проушинами.

Из прочих отличий — борта грузового отсека с закреплёнными на них сэндтраками. Технические характеристики модели не раскрываются.

Компания лишь подчеркнула, что электромобиль получил карбон-кевларовый кузов и трансформируемый грузовой отсек, который можно конфигурировать в зависимости от потребностей. Заявлены крепления, позволяющие устанавливать различное оборудование для конкретной миссии.

Justin, TX – (December 1, 2022) – Canoo, a leading high-tech advanced mobility company, has delivered its new Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) to the United States Army for Analysis & Demonstration in fulfillment of the contract awarded in July 2022.

The LTV is engineered for extreme environments and includes stealth configurations. Designed to be durable with a focus on passenger and battery safety, the LTV incorporates carbon Kevlar for strength without the added weight. As with all Canoo vehicles, the LTV is designed for passenger ergonomics, taking body motion and height into consideration, as well as multi-tasker components.

The LTV is another milestone proving the power of our technology and how it can be used, even in tactical situations,” said Tony Aquila, Chairman & CEO at Canoo. “This is a winning algorithm for our customers and company.

Modular for Multiple Use Cases: Convertible Flatbed, Mounting Racks, Ramps & Tactical Systems

A jack-of-all trades, the Light Tactical Vehicle can be converted from a pickup to a flatbed truck, a cargo vehicle and more. With a convertible flatbed platform, the LTV can easily carry standard sized plywood, construction and oversized materials, as well as tactical equipment or attachments for the required mission.

Canoo’s proprietary modular attachment system and accessories quickly interchange the flatbed walls with many other types of mounts including racks, ramps, storage boxes, tents, or tactical systems. The modular upfitting enables the LTV to have mission-specific configurations at a lower total cost investment.

Enhanced Performance: Powertrain + Suspension to Get the Job Done

The LTV has a proprietary all-wheel drive system with up to 600 hp. To support the increased demands of off-road environments, the LTV incorporates air-springs, a raised suspension, and 32-inch all-terrain tires to build higher ground clearance suitable for extreme or rugged conditions.

One Platform, Many Variants

Canoo vehicles are based on the company’s proprietary multi-purpose platform which integrates all the critical components of an electric powertrain, so it is as flat and efficient as possible, while maximizing cabin and cargo space.

Full specifications will be revealed closer to production. Canoo’s line of battery electric vehicles are purpose-built to help customers be more productive and achieve a higher return on capital while reducing total cost of professional ownership.
Quelle: motor.ru; Canoo Press Release