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↑ Cadillac Advertising Campaign (1933)

Cadillac V-12 All-Weather Phaeton Ad (April, 1933) – Cadillac was first with Syncro-Mesh Transmisssion – Magellan, First to Circumnavigate the Globe

Cadillac V-12 All-Weather Phaeton Ad (April, 1933) – Cadillac was first with Syncro-Mesh Transmisssion – Magellan, First to Circumnavigate the Globe

Cadillac V-12 5-Passenger Sedan Ad (February, 1933) – Leadership Rests on Achievement ..and Leaders are Made by Deeds – Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, Founder of Detroit
Cadillac V-8 Town Sedan Ad (March, 1933) – Cadillac was first to use the self-starter – René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, Explorer of the Mississippi
Cadillac V-12 All-Weather Phaeton Ad (April, 1933) – Cadillac was first with Syncro-Mesh Transmisssion – Magellan, First to Circumnavigate the Globe
Cadillac V-12  Ad (May, 1933) – Cadillac was first to use the 90-degree V-type Engine – Marco Polo of Venice, Famous Traveler and Explorer
Bilder: National Geographic