– Cadillac has unveiled the Sollei concept, an ultra-luxury four-seat convertible.
– The car is based on the Celestiq and “pushes the boundaries of future bespoke commissions.”
– The attention to detail is impressive and the woodwork is a sight to behold.
Компания Cadillac представила роскошный электрический кабриолет Sollei. Его имя образовано из двух слов: Sol — «солнце», и leisure — «отдых».
По-настоящему роскошные открытые «Кадиллаки» остались где-то в 1970-х, но концепт Sollei даже не пытается им подражать. Перед ним не стоит задача стать массовым продуктом. Ему не нужны рекордные продажи и толпы поклонников. Фактически это альтернатива
Rolls-Royce Droptail — штучный автомобиль, созданный в тесном сотрудничестве с будущим владельцем. На примере Sollei компания хочет показать, каких высот достигли её дизайнеры и отделочники. Ну и, конечно, продемонстрировать мастерство работы с различными материалами — от кожи «наппа» и её биозаменителя на основе мицелия до натурального дерева и металлов.
Как и в случае с bespoke-проектами Rolls-Royce, дизайнеры учитывают не только вкусы владельца, но и его хобби. Например, этот экземпляр Cadillac Sollei предназначен для любителя бёрдвотчинга. Наблюдать за птицами помогут распечатанные на 3D-принтере акриловые манки и атлас-определитель, а зарисовать понравившийся вид можно будет с помощью набора карандашей в рулонном кожаном чехле. В общем, индивидуальный пошив в его лучшем виде.
Кабриолет Sollei в Cadillac предпочитают называть концептом, хотя в целом он воспринимается как серийная модель, возможно, из-за очевидного сходства с Celestiq. Общая у них не только платформа Ultium, но также кузов до передних стоек и салон с 55-дюймовым цифровым кластером на передней панели. А вот окрашен Sollei в духе «Кэдди» конца 1950-х — оттенок называется Manila Cream, и его можно встретить на купе DeVille 1958 года.
Электрокар демонстрирует возможности персонализации, а также уровень мастерства дизайнеров и отделочников. Декоративные накладки тут изготовлены в технике маркетри из нарезанных вручную деревянных брусочков, рамка лобового стекла целиком сделана из шлифованного алюминия. На металлические поверхности нанесено покрытие Aurora, которое меняет цвет в зависимости от угла обзора и тем самым напоминает северное сияние. Наконец, сиденья обтянуты кожей «наппа», в которую при окраске добавили радужный пигмент для легкого «эффекта восходящего солнца».
Впервые в истории Cadillac также использовал материал Fine Mycelium, полученный из мицелия — грибницы. Вдобавок кабриолет оснастили фоновой подсветкой с разбивкой на зоны, каждой из которых можно задавать один из 126 доступных цветов. Крыша здесь сделана из металлизированного текстиля, напольные коврики — из ткани букле. Сзади есть небольшой холодильник для напитков, куда помещаются графин и пара стаканов.
DETROIT, 22nd July — Today, Cadillac introduced the SOLLEI concept vehicle, the ultimate design expression of a coach-built luxury electric convertible. This imaginative design exercise pushes the boundaries of future bespoke commissions, tailored to reflect the unique passions and interests of its clientele.
SOLLEI conceptualizes an all-electric, 2+2 convertible equipped with the brand's signature 55-inch pillar-to-pillar screen, awe-inspiring interior, exterior lighting chorography for arrival and departure, and intuitive front and rear command console.
Defined in its name sun ('SOL') and leisure ('LEI'), SOLLEI represents Cadillac's optimistic inspiration for an open-air, leisurely lifestyle.
"SOLLEI reimagines the discovery of travel, envisioning a personalized driving experience that connects one with the natural world around them," said Erin Crossley, design director, Cadillac. "The concept celebrates Cadillac's pedigree of elegant convertibles in a modern form by cultivating high luxury through design expressions and experiences."
SOLLEI is also Cadillac's first concept vehicle to incorporate an innovative bio-based material developed in collaboration with MycoWorks. Used in the charging mats on the console and the door map pockets, Fine Mycelium™ by MycoWorks is ushering in a new era of luxury materials grown from mycelium (the renewable root structure of mushrooms). The material reflects Cadillac's mission to pioneer renewable automotive resources.
Sophisticated exterior, clean body style
The SOLLEI's exterior exudes emotion and embodies Cadillac's unmistakable bold proportions. The low, elongated body is accentuated by a wide stance and long coupe door, facilitating easy access to the spacious rear.
The uninterrupted surfaces and stretched A-line emphasize the vehicle's length, while the low tail design creates dynamic yet elegant proportions. The mid-body line seamlessly connects the headlamp to the taillight, unifying the car's harmonious design. Conventional door handles are replaced with discrete buttons helping to enable the clean profile line.
Celebrating Cadillac's heritage of bold colors, the exterior is finished in "Manila Cream," a color originally used on Cadillacs in 1957 and 1958. This revived finish was meticulously curated and hand-painted by Cadillac craftsmen.
Artistic interior, expressive personality
The interior of SOLLEI channels Cadillac's "art of travel" design philosophy, elevating the travel experience for both the driver and the passenger. Features include a fully integrated beverage chiller with a power glass door and crystal glasses seamlessly blending leisure with travel.
Craftsmanship is at the heart of Cadillac design. Every detail is intentionally designed to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Illuminated décor and unique embellishments add expression to the brand's unparalleled aesthetics. The interior decor, wrapped in unstained wood veneers, honors natural color and grain pattern variations, while surfaces feature open pore finishes that can be felt by touch. Each piece is hand-cut and hand-laid using marquetry techniques, creating a beautiful focal point that draws the eye from the front doors to the console, and into the rear compartment. The windshield is framed in milled brushed aluminum continuing Cadillac's use of natural materials.
Personalization and nature connection
Cadillac design utilizes lighting in many of our products as a layer of personalization. SOLLEI elevates this offering with distinguished ambient lighting for true customization including multiple zones and 126 color options in each zone. The lighting can evoke specific moods and personalize the interior ambiance.
SOLLEI also caters to bird-watching connoisseurs with a unique interior accessory. A custom brushed metal and leather-wrapped case houses 3D printed acrylic bird calls, a leather-bound journal with hand painted bird illustrations and a leather tool roll for pens and pencils, made to custom match the vehicle interior, allowing enthusiasts to capture their bird-watching experiences.
Celestial and optimistic design
SOLLEI celebrates the optimism of travel and the celestial environment with its rich sensory engagement, unexpected discoveries, and sense of occasion. Sun themed features are pronounced in its color, materials, and finishes:
– Unique sunburst-themed lighting and graphic choreography.
– Sunburst motif perforation, quilting, and embroidery on seat patterns.
– Interior Fine Nappa leather featuring a pink iridescent pigment that creates a subtle color-changing sunrise effect.
– Charging mats on the console, door map pockets and custom accessories are made from MycoWorks' premium bio-based material created using their Fine MyceliumTM technology. This material is in an iridescent finish in a soft hue color palette.
– Pink iridescent hue on the beverage chiller door and glass tray in the rear compartment that reveals different sunlight exposures.
– "Aurora" tint on primary metal finishes, which includes color shifting to reflect the phenomenon of the sun's solar winds reacting with the earth's atmosphere.
– Convertible metallic roof fabric called "Daybreak", whose name ties to the functionality of the convertible roof; as the roof pulls back, sunlight can pour over the interior.
– Textured floormat material named "Bask", a boucle fabric adding beautiful texture and subtle warmth, matching the color of the roof material keeping the whole interior very light.
Continuing the tradition of bespoke expression
The SOLLEI convertible exercise represents the brand's vision to offer modern design this time in an open-air format, inspired by iconic Cadillacs from the past.
The concept was officially unveiled at Cadillac House at Vanderbilt, a newly restored, state-of-the-art facility at GM's Global Technical Center campus in Warren, Michigan. This location is dedicated to providing a bespoke design experience for Cadillac CELESTIQ clients.