2022 Renault 4Ever Trophy
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2023: The Renault 4EVER Trophy wearing colours of the 1962 4L
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept, 2022
Bilder: Renault
Renault 4Ever Trophy Concept Previews Retro-Flavored Electric B-SUV With Rugged Looks
Компания Renault обновила прошлогодний концептуальный кроссовер 4Ever Trophy. Автопроизводители подвергают обновлению не только серийные модели, которым надо продлить жизненный цикл, но и концептуальные разработки. Ярким примером такого фейслифтинга, призванного повысить интерес публики к новинке, стал Renault 4Ever Trophy – концепт, предвещающий серийный электрокар Renault 4. В 2022 году модель дебютировала на автосалоне в Париже, отмечая 25-летие ралли 4L Trophy, а в 2023 концепт-кар получил обновлённую версию в честь Открытого чемпионата Франции по теннису.
Технически новинка полностью повторяет прошлогодний прототип, а все отличия сводятся к иной окраске кузова. Если концепт-кар 2022 года был выполнен в матово-сером цвете Gun Metal Silver с фиолетовыми акцентами, то новинка окрашена в оттенок Ile-de-France Blue.
Технически новинка полностью повторяет прошлогодний прототип, а все отличия сводятся к иной окраске кузова. Если концепт-кар 2022 года был выполнен в матово-сером цвете Gun Metal Silver с фиолетовыми акцентами, то новинка окрашена в оттенок Ile-de-France Blue.
Заявлено, что похожий цвет был доступен для Renault 4L в 1962 году. Контрастные элементы сделаны в флуоресцентном жёлтом цвете, который отсылает к традиционному цвету теннисных мячей.
12 МАЯ 2023
На открывшемся сегодня автосалоне в Париже дебютировал Renault 4Ever Trophy – концепт, предвещающий серийный электрокар Renault 4. Новинка представляет собой кроссовер, выдержанный в стиле ретро, и ее дебют приурочен к 25-летнему юбилею ралли 4L Trophy, чем и объясняется название. Ожидается, что в обозримом будущем 4Ever Trophy перевоплотится в серийную модель, которая станет электрическим аналогом Captur для европейского рынка.
Концепт 4Ever Trophy сопоставим по габаритам с упомянутым Captur и относится к классу B-SUV. Технические характеристики кроссовера не приводятся, однако известно, что его серийное воплощение будет построено на платформе CMF-BEV, которую модель разделит с электрическими Renault 5, Alpine A5 и Nissan Micra.
Пока же в компании предлагают оценить облик концепта 4Ever Trophy. Шоу-кар получил прямоугольную заглушку на месте радиаторной решетки и круглые фары, что отсылает к культовому Quatrelle. На внедорожный характер кроссовера указывают оквадраченные колесные арки с пластиковыми защитными накладками и 200-миллиметровый дорожный просвет.
Явные отсылки на модель прошлого века гармонируют с современными технологиями, такими как камеры вместо наружных зеркал, трехмерный логотип и пиксельная оптика. К особенностям оформления экстерьера можно отнести россыпь ярких пурпурных акцентов, сочетающихся с матовым серым цветом кузова Gun Metal Silver и черной глянцевой крышей. Довершают облик 19-дюмовые диски футуристичного дизайна со встроенными компрессорами, меняющими давление воздуха в шинах в зависимости от ситуации.
В Renault рассчитывают, что новинка сможет повторить коммерческий успех оригинального хэтчбека 4 или Quatrelle, как его называют во Франции. Эта модель разошлась тиражом более восьми миллионов экземпляров в 100 странах за три десятилетия (с 1961 по 1992 год).
17 ОКТЯБРЯ 2022
- Renault is unveiling a modern, electric version of its iconic Renault 4 at the Paris Motor Show.
- The rugged, adventure-ready 4EVER Trophy show car is also here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 4L Trophy humanitarian rally.
- It paves the way for the future all-electric B segment SUV
The Renault 4 is much more than a car: it is a true icon. With over 8 million units sold in more than 100 countries, it has been crossing generational and social gaps for the past 60 years. It is as comfortable in cities as far out in the countryside, and multipurpose – you can drive it to work and on long journeys, use it to carry loads, and a lot more.
It is unpretentious yet in, chic yet a car for everyone, and appeals to men and women alike.
Production was discontinued 30 years ago but the 4L has never left the limelight. It is one of the original young-timer vintage cars and the past 25 years have seen the 4L Trophy prove time and again its worth as a versatile car built to last. This explains why it is still a crowd pleaser, especially with the younger generations.
The 4EVER Trophy show car that Renault is unveiling at the 2022 Paris Motor Show is its second iconic model to get an electric reboot, following Renault 5 Prototype, during the Renaulution. Renault, in other words, is tapping into its illustrious past to better electrify its future.
The Renault 4EVER Trophy show car creates new memories while bringing back old ones. Under a muscular exterior, the stylistic ties to its 4L predecessor are evident. The original car’s main features have been revived:
- The silhouette with the prominent bonnet, bumper, and hallmark angled rear section, are readily recognisable
- The rear, trapezoidal side windows with their rounded corners are located just above the rear wheels
- The front flanks have been left bare (no lights or stylish markers)
- The wings sit atop the wheel arches and reach through to the shield
The retro style blends harmoniously with the rest of the otherwise sophisticated and technological lines.
The show car has generous curves and a very elaborate grille. The ‘ultra tech’ connections between the spokes and bodywork bring an added layer of precision and modernity. The same can be said for the meticulously honed rim around the roof.
"The 4L is a legend. And legends never die! Today, it is this universal dimension of the 4L, a car that everyone can love, that we want to find through a modern and electric reinterpretation of the Renault 4."
Luca de Meo, Chief Executive Officer of RENAULT S.A
“To bring 4EVER Trophy into the modern era, we have infused its streamlined shape with technological sophistication. All these ingredients have been carefully crafted so that the design resonates with those who are familiar with the 4L and its illustrious history, and with younger generations.”
Gilles Vidal, VP, Renault Brand, Design
4EVER Trophy puts a new twist on the Renault 4’s iconic wide horizontal grille featuring the round, built-in lamps, now with Matrix LED lights. The innovative lights give the vehicle a strong identity. While the recognisable pill-shaped rear lights have also been entirely redesigned, they remain readily recognisable and are a clear nod to the iconic 4L.
An electric vehicle that ventures off the beaten track: that is what the rugged 4EVER Trophy show car conveys at first glance. The electric motor reflects the future production model.
The low section on 4EVER Trophy, painted Gun Metal Silver, has been designed for the great outdoors. An open invitation to explore new horizons, this show car exudes a clearly adventurous spirit. It has a certain flair to its look with the silver coat, and magenta highlights on the roof straps, suspension springs and wheel emblems.
The dune-buggy vibe gives 4EVER Trophy a competitive look. The hollowed-out bonnet has a huge air exhaust that vastly improves the efficacy of the radiator located in the centre of the shield. The front overhang has been shortened considerably for a greater clearance capacity.
With a spare tyre located on the carbon fibre roof, and a shovel and waffle boards on the upper section of the rear door, the car is ready to tackle any situation.
The vast body protection panels on the lower section are made with a considerable 20 cm clearance around the wheel arches. The high-seated body highlights the width of the 753 mm wheels mounted on 19 inch rims. The underbelly has been reinforced to provide greater protection for the battery located in the middle of the chassis.
Each wheel on 4EVER Trophy has a visible compressor that can be readily adjusted from inside the car to adapt the tyre pressure to suit the terrain.
While 4EVER Trophy is clearly an off-road car by nature, it was also designed to be enjoyed on any road, fuss-free. The future electric 4L aims to be as versatile as its predecessor once was – or rather has always been since 1962.
The 4EVER Trophy show car paves the way for the future all-electric B Segment SUV that will be at ease on urban and rural roads alike.
Like the Renault 5, it will be made using the new CMF-BEV platform for B segment electric vehicles. The platform will guarantee the best performance in terms of range, acoustics, and on-road behaviour, without compromising on the design.
The market positioning of the future Renault 5 and Renault 4 will be much like that of Clio and Captur. The 4EVER Trophy and Renault 5 Prototype on display at the Renault stand during the Paris Motor Show embody Renault’s nouvelle vague.
Like its predecessor, the future vehicle built off 4EVER Trophy’s design will be made in France. Thanks to their shared traits, all vehicles using the CMF-BEV platform will be built in the ElectriCity hub in northern France.
- The Renault 4EVER Trophy show-car revisits the iconic Ile-de-France Blue that debuted on the 4L in 1962.
- The 4EVER Trophy’s new look will be publicly shown for the first time at the French Open when it opens on May 22.
While production of the 4L stopped more than 30 years ago, its name is still a head-liner! This was made evident when the Renault 4EVER Trophy show-car was unveiled last year at the Paris Motor Show. Inspired by the original Renault 4, the show car paves the way for a future compact full-electric B-segment SUV and is sure to cause quite a stir when showing off its new look at the 2023 French Open in Paris!
To accentuate its delightfully retro charm, the 4EVER Trophy comes decked in a hue inspired by the launch colour for the 4L back in 1962: Ile-de-France Blue.
Its sophisticated and tech-inspired design is enhanced thanks to the fluorescent yellow accents on the roof straps, shield, shock springs, and wheel emblems.
An exciting homage to the iconic tennis balls of the French Open, it underlines the show car’s off-road spirit and reflects the keys traits of the original model.
The 4EVER Trophy will début its brand-new body colour on May 22, 2023, for the opening qualifying rounds of the French Open in Paris.
Quelle: motor.ru; Renault Press Release