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2002 Fioravanti Yak

Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Fioravanti Yak (Fioravanti), 2002
Bilder: Fioravanti
Bewertung:  6    -8    +14
“Cross-overs” are a new class of vehicles which combine several features taken from different automobiles. For this reason they may not look very original, but they are quite homogeneous and repetitive.

Most of them look like station wagons, but they are higher off the ground and have larger wheels.

Yak is the alternative answer to a more unique style based on new concepts designed for a powerful V8 and an all-wheel drive.

The structure itself is based on a cross ring element, a sort of central roll-bar, which is very important for safety in off road vehicles. This solution presents a particular characteristic which allows to integrate a new product patented by Fioravanti: the side window wipers.

Until now, no one has suggested to improve the side visibility in raining conditions: and we all know how important three quarter rear visibility is in many driving conditions in and out of the city.

The front of the vehicle features several air inlets and outlets, essential for those vehicles able to shift even at low speeds and in severe conditions, and, above all, an innovative array of lamps.

All of the functions are integrated into specific units made of new generation extremely efficient LEDs with special lenses, which are, on the whole, controlled by a software to obtain different light beams. For example, you can lengthen the depth beam at fast speeds on straight highways, enlarge the low beam at low speeds in city crossroads, adjust low beam and/or high beam lights in mountain turns.

These functions can be otherwise arranged according to the laws in various countries.

As each component is very small, Fioravanti’s patented system is extremely thin, almost a layer of light, and adaptable to any surface shape; thus having aerodynamic and aesthetic advantages.

The bodyside is extremely nerved with doors that have a “wardrobe” opening to guarantee easy access to rear seats. The central pillar incorporates side wipers for the four doors.

The rear of the car features a big transparent bubble which, thanks to its shape, allows ample cargo room and panoramic view. It is divided into various sectors which slide, like a sun roof, into the lower part of the back door, turning the automobile into a pick up truck.

In this case a special translation wiper allows complete cleaning of the rear window, thus increasing visibility.

The interior is also very innovative.

The cabin is divided into two zones: the front is designed for driving, even in challenging situations such as off road driving, and the rear provides better comfort and ease for passengers.

The dashboard is equipped with the simplest controls, vocal also, and information. Two screens, protected by a transparent bubble, provide the driver with all the necessary information on driving, vehicle status, maintenance and navigation, and connect the passenger to internet and television programs.

This “infotainment” can be selected with the use of a knob, like a “mouse”, in ergonomic position.

The rearview mirror incorporates the telepass and the electronic registration certificate. The climate can be controlled from different areas by every occupant of the vehicle; the air comes out through big passageways, rather than the traditional air vents.

There is ample storage room for various objects in the door panels and in the space between the two front seats.

These seats have semi-automatic seat belts. A sensor, placed in the lower part of the seat, activates the special armrests a few seconds after seating.

These armrests place the top parts of the 4 point seat belts on shoulders; the lower parts are situated in the same armrests: you simply have to fasten the central buckle. Fioravanti’s patented system is comfortable and with no need of contortion, it is sa fer in side impacts and turnovers and the armrests provide greater safety. Every seat is equipped with its own speaker.

The rear zone has a big three passenger bench seat which extends to the doors and merges well with the storage pockets, under the seats are removable storage drawers. The rear seats have disappearing headrests for better visibility.

For greater travelling comfort, the light, climate and “infotainment” controls are located on the roll-bar structure within easy reach for passengers in the rear seat. The trunk compartment is enriched with a wooden trim, suitable for loading delicate luggage as well as rougher objects.

Our thanks and appreciation go to for their collaboration in realizing the prototype, to LumiLEDs supplier of LEDs Luxeon, Fraen supplier of illuminating components and to Michelin supplier of tyres.

На автосалоне в Женеве итальянский дизайнер Леонардо Фиораванти представит свой новый концептуальный внедорожник YAK, унаследовавший у быка из горных районов Тибета не только имя, но и внешность. Окрашенный в коричневый цвет кузов напоминает, по словам дизайнера, тело этого сильного животного, сочетая в себе сразу несколько вариантов кузова: универсал, минивэн и SUV.

Под внешней оболочкой скрывается механика современного внедорожника: мощный V8 двигатель и полный привод. Как утверждают специалисты, задействованные в этом проекте, дизайн концепткара впечатляет еще больше, чем его внешний вид.

Например, новая оригинальная форма сидений значительно облегчает процесс одевания ремней безопасности.

Как обычно, дизайнерское бюро Fioravanti создало не просто шоу-кар - в конструкции YAK присутствуют инновационные технологии, запатентованные итальянским дизайнером, как новая концепция передней светотехники или очистители боковых стекол, интегрированные в центральные стойки кузова.

Первые фотографии полноразмерной модели не позволяют определить истинных размеров автомобиля, но, как утверждает сам Фиораванти, дизайн концепткара скрадывает реальные пропорции его кузова.
Quelle: www.fioravanti.it; Autonews.ru
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