1999 Pontiac Aztec
Pontiac Aztec Concept Vehicle, 1999
Pontiac Aztec, 1999 - Interior
Pontiac Aztec, 1999 - Interior
Bilder: General Motors Corp.
Концепт впервые представлен на NAIAS 1999 в Детройте.
Pontiac Aztec — переднеприводный хэтчбек для активного отдыха со складными задними сиденьями и двигателем V6 в 3,4 л. Нечто вроде американского варианта Renault Megane Scenic, но с оснащением на уровне бизнес-класса. Габариты 4547х1956х1626 мм, база 2743 мм.
Владимир Матвейчук, журнал "Автомобили" 1999/1-2, "Детройт 99; взгляд в будущее"
We know Pontiac (unfortunately) built the Aztek, so conserve your keystrokes reminding us of this lamentable fact. But they didn’t build the Aztek they showed as a concept in 1999. The uglier than Rosie O’Donnell, slab-sided horror that debuted in 2001 shares little with the concept pictured here.
Putting the two side by side reveals that their proportions are completely different. Most visible, the angular roof design of the concept got totally screwed up on the path to production.
While there are ample arguments that Pontiac should have never, ever considered selling an SUV, the fact that they launched such a turd truly sullied the brand’s reputation. Had Pontiac built what they showed in 1999, the situation would have been far less bad. Perhaps they would have had a shot at their annual sales goal of 60,000 units. As the facts prove, first and second years sales never exceeded 10,000, and those sales were heavily incentivized.
The 1999 Aztek is currently in storage. Cold storage. Very cold.
I was in the audience at the Detroit auto show the day GM unveiled the Pontiac Aztek and I will never forget the gasp that audience made. Holy hell! This car could not have been more instantly hated if it had a Swastika tattoo on its forehead. In later interviews with GM designers — who, for decency's sake, will remain unnamed — it emerged that the Aztek design had been fiddled with, fussed over, cost-shaved and otherwise compromised until the tough, cool-looking concept had been reduced to a bulky, plastic-clad mess. A classic case of losing the plot. The Aztek violates one of the principal rules of car design: We like cars that look like us. With its multiple eyes and supernumerary nostrils, the Aztek looks deformed and scary, something that dogs bark at and cathedrals employ to ring bells (cf., Fiat Multipla). The shame is, under all that ugliness, there was a useful, competent crossover.
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