1986 Pontiac Transsport
Pontiac Trans Sport, 1986 - Рисунок А. Захарова
Pontiac Trans Sport, 1986
Looking like something that just drove off a science-fiction movie soundstage, the '86 Trans Sport redefined the minivan and ushered in a new era of Pontiac concept vehicles.
Though the proportions are different between the concept and production versions of the Trans Sport, the design cues are similar. The first Pontiac concept of the '80s became the first new Pontiac production vehicle of the '90s.
Press Release dated January 10, 1986
Pontiac Trans Sport, 1986
The gullwing rear side door really added a futuristic touch. Even after 20 years, the Trans Sport is still one of the most radical minivan designs ever created.
Here's the '86 Trans Sport on display at that year's North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The futuristic concept van was light years ahead of the competition and showed Pontiac was indeed capable of technical and design innovation, even in a minivan.
The dash of the Trans Sport features a dizzying array of buttons and gadgetry. A Head-Up Display and buttons on the steering wheel soon became production realities, though in the case of the Trans Sport concept van, the buttons remained stationary, while the wheel turned.
Pontiac Trans Sport, 1986 - Interior
This original rendering was drawn by artists at GM Design and recalls Pontiac's proud performance heritage.
A full-scale clay mockup is completed by sculptors. The mockup is not painted but covered with thin plastic sheets, known as Di-Noc. This sheeting simulates painted and glass surfaces. A mold will be made from the clay model to construct the composite body panels.
From this angle, one can see just how the proportions differed from the production version. The bubbled contour of the windshield and roof are clearly evident.
A production version of the Trans Sport debuted for the '90 model year. While it was toned down a bit from the radical concept version, it was still a technical and design breakthrough, with its spaceframe construction and plastic body panels. It was a little too radical for the market, though, and sales picked up when it was replaced with a more conventional minivan design in 1997. This is a '93 model, the last year for the original exterior design before a '94 facelift.
Bilder: www.highperformancepontiac.com; JOHN LLOYD Collection
Pontiac Trans Sport Concept Car, 1986 - Department X
When it launched in 1990, Pontiac's Trans Sport minivan-along with GM's other "dust buster" minivans-were noted for unusual styling and for utilizing a space-frame structure. Unique, perhaps, but the finished product was nowhere as wild as the concept van of the same name shown four years prior.
The Trans Sport concept featured a composite body with expansive panes of glass, and it eschewed the conventional sliding side door in favor of a gullwing design. Power-235 horsepower, to be precise-was supplied by a prototype all-aluminum, 2.9-liter, turbocharged V-6, which was also contemplated for the Fiero GT.
Hotness then (1-10): 9
Up until this point, minivans were largely the homely, box-like appliances churned out by the Chrysler Corporation. Pontiac injected lots of style and some edge into the concept and created a show car that was as avant-garde as it was family-friendly.
Hotness now (1-10): 6
The novelty of minivans, in-car computers, and steering wheels laden with a million push-button controls has faded over the past twenty years, but the Trans Sport still is interesting to look at-especially in contrast with the bastardized version that ultimately rolled off the assembly lines.
Could it have saved the brand?
Minivans bolstered the Pontiac organization for several years, but the Trans Sport offered to consumers was virtually no different than the Lumina APV or the Silhouette offered across the street at Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers, respectively. In later years, GM tried to shed the van's mom-mobile image by adding cladding, a new Montana nameplate, and an ungainly nose. Few consumers were fooled, and the van lineup was ultimately killed in the U.S. in 2006.
Этот экспериментальный автомобиль одно из направлений развития идеи многоцелевого универсала. Он разработан в центре стиля фирмы "Понтиак" под руководством ее главного дизайнера К. Хенлайна. Исходя из стремления обеспечить универсальность использования внутреннего объема в салоне, конструкторы остановились на его высоте, равной 1200 мм. Как и у "Рено-эспас", они отдали предпочтение переднеприводной схеме.
В кузове - три ряда комфортабельных индивидуальных кресел. К двум передним доступ через традиционные боковые двери, к четырем другим - через поднимающуюся наверх широкую дверь в правом борту.
Однообъемному кузову придана хорошо обтекаемая форма, и над его поверхностью выступают лишь зеркала заднего вида и задний спойлер. Лобовое стекло заходит на крышу, и сквозь него проходит ось единственного переднего стеклоочистителя.
Смелое использование стекла для решения декоративных задач, горизонтальное (посредством фактуры и цвета) членение кузова, что зрительно снижает высоту автомобиля, новое решение световых приборов - вот характерные особенности дизайна "Понтиака-транс-спорт".
Функционирование многих систем авто мобиля контролируется бортовой ЭВМ. Клавиатура для управления ей и вызова на дисплей информационных данных выведена в ступицу рулевого колеса.
В автомобиле использованы силовой агрегат и ряд узлов серийной легковой модели "Понтиак-6000" с передними ведущими колесами. Изготовлен лишь один прототип многоцелевого универсала "Транс-спорт".
Quelle: Orphaned Concept Cars - www.automobilemag.com; Журнал "За рулем"