1968 Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina)
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina) - Turin'68
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina) - Turin'68
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina) - Geneva'69
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina) - Geneva'69
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968 - Interior
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster (Pininfarina), 1968
Bilder: pininfarina spa.; Paolo Martin - www.paolomartindesigner.com
Alfa Romeo P/33 Can Am Spyder, 1968
The second 33 Stradale-based concept car displayed at the November 1968 Turin Salon was executed by Pininfarina. Known as the P33 Roadster, it mixed subtle curves with plane-like surfaces but was most memorably equipped with a basket handle-type aerofoil positioned just behind the cockpit. Painted white with the interior and aerofoil in brown, it seems probable this body was later removed by Pininfarina and replaced with the " Cuneo" design that debuted in January 1971 at the Brussels Motor Show.
Fundamentally different from the design of the Ferrari P5/6 and Coupé 33 prototypes, the cabriolet, with its taut lines and sharp angles, demonstrates how Pininfarina was continuously pushing back the boundaries of style and efficiency. The cabriolet was built on an Alfa Romeo Type 33 sport cars chassis with a V8 mid-mounted engine, with large overhead spoiler and "beetle-wing" doors.
Может быть, именно этот автомобиль, построенный на базе суперкара Alfa Romeo 33, американцы приняли за НЛО в Розуэлле? По крайней мере, представить зеленых человечков за рулем Alfa Romeo P33 Roadster очень легко.
Формы, будто срисованные с звездолета, сплошная «люстра» светотехники спереди, открывающиеся вверх и вбок миниатюрные дверцы и гигантское крыло сразу позади передних сидений – все это до сих пор выглядит невероятно круто и футуристично.
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