1953 Pontiac Parisienne
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne Show Car, 1953
Pontiac Parisienne, 1954 - The 1953 show car was updated with 1954 trim as shown here
Bilder: General Motors Archive; www.chuckstoyland.com; aldenjewell's photostream
This is the 1953 Motorama Show Car, Pontiac Parisienne. It features an open front landau style roof.
The Parisienne was created to market test a romantic concept. Built like the old town cars of the 1930s and featured front seats the moved back a foot to allow for easy entrance. With a black exterior and a pink interior it still is a very striking model. This car was ordered destroyed in the late fifties. It was discovered during the 1980s in a New Jersey junkyard and restored.
www.gmphotostore.com; www.welovepontiacs.com
Pontiac Parisienne (1953) — это, строго говоря, не прототип и не «dream car», а всего лишь демонстрационный экземпляр: попытка сделать из вполне серийного автомобиля Pontiac нечто вроде классического экипажа с кузовом типа таун-кар, не имевшим крыши над водительским отделением. Получилось эффектно, но непрактично.
Андрей ХРИСАНФОВ - Газета АВТОРЕВЮ 2003 год / №18 (296) / Кунсткамера. Сны наяву