1978 Lamborghini Faena (Frua)
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Lamborghini Faena (Frua), 1978
Иллюстрации: www.pietro-frua.de
Lamborghini Faena Coupé quattro porte by Frua, 1978
The Italian coachbuilder Pietro Frua created the only four-door lamborghini in existance in 1978, the Frua Faena was created on a reinforced 1974 Espada Series II chassis (nr. 18224). It took Pietro Frua 8 months to create his four door Lamborghini, he stretched the standard Espada chassis 178 mm (7 in) to accomodate the rear seats and ended up with a car totalling 4586 mm (18 ft) in length which added 200 Kg (440 pounds) to the total weight.
This 'special' was revealed on the 57th Salone internazionale dell'Automobile, in Turin during the spring of 1978, it was shown again to the public on the 1980 Geneva Auto Show. The car's lines looked clean at the front, with big headlights mounted in twin pop-up units, but the rear design spoiled the car, it did however include a sliding sunroof unlike the wierd looking glass panel found on one specific Espada. The Frua Faena didn't proove a success, although it was very nicely built, and Pietro Frua hoped it could be produced in small quantities, but this show car was the only one ever produced.
After the Geneva Auto Show the car was sold to Lambo-Motor AG in Basle who sold it to a German collector. He still owns the car, but it remained registered in Switzerland. In 1996 the Faena could again be admired at the Pullicino Classics in London, the car was in very good condition although it wasn't restored yet.
Универсалоподобный «Ламбо»? Звучит сюрреалистично, но таковой шедевр известен истории: в конце семидесятых его построил кузовщик Пьетро Фруа с прицелом на штучное производство. В качестве отправной точки выступила Espada Series II. На постройку ушло восемь месяцев. Получилось, право слово, очень недурно!
Франкенштейн с удлиненной на 178 мм платформой, лишней парой дверей и двумя дополнительными центнерами массы создает иллюзию пятиметрового турера, хотя расстояние от бампера до бампера примерно как у современного Volkswagen Tiguan. Жаль, он не нашел отклика в сердцах потенциальных заказчиков и остался в единственном экземпляре.
По материалам: www.conceptcars.it; motor.ru
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