1988 ItalDesign Aztec
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Photo: Ken-Brown
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Left side detail
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Right side detail
Aztec Spider / Aspid Coupe / Asgard MiniVan (ItalDesign), 1988
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Interior
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Interior
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Design Sketch
ItalDesign Aztec, 1988 - Technical Drawing
Иллюстрации: ItalDesign
Audi Aztec (Italdesign), 1988
The first prototype of the trio formed together with Aspid and Asgard to celebrate 20 years of Italdesign.
The Aztec, introduced at the Turin Motor Show in 1989, met with exceptional acclaim by the press and public. The original, innovative, concept heralded the approach that was to typify the 1990s: rediscovery of a classic, recreational, collector's item, the return of open-top sports cars, roadsters, standard-production coupés, in other words the satisfaction of owning and showing off a product that was all about image.
The Aztec embodied the desire for a sculpted rather than a designed shape: its smooth metal is punctuated by graphic motifs, and a reworked mechanical appearance with the engine exposed and streamlined rear wheels. In a departure from conventional open-topped sports cars, the passenger compartment is divided into two symmetrical portions: the passenger also has a steering wheel that is actually a control console and not used for steering. Control panels located on both side panels are accessible by entering appropriate codes. These provide information on engine oil level, coolant, brake fluid and a removable temperature gauge. A hydraulic jack and a 12 V power point are also located on the right side. A removable electric screwdriver, an electric torch, a compressor for inflating tires and a fire extinguisher are housed on the left hand side. Access to the car is by opening the doors as usual and lifting parts of the cockpit upward.
The Aztec's futuristic shape persuaded the US director Roger Corman to choose the car to start in a science-fiction horror film set in the Los Angeles of 2031, Frankenstein Unbound (1990). Together with the Machimoto and BMW Nazca C2, the Aztec also appeared in the Italian film A spasso nel tempo by Carlo Vanzina in 1996.
The idea of a futuristic Audi-powered, Kevlar-bodied, dual-cockpit speedster concept entering limited production is quite absurd — but that's exactly what happened to the Italdesign Aztec.
Italdesign prepared three concept cars — the Aztec roadster, the Aspid coupe, and the Asgard minivan — for the 1988 Turin motor show. In spite of their different bodywork, each featured a rear-mounted, turbocharged 2.5-liter Audi I-5 mated to an all-wheel-drive system cribbed from a Lancia Delta Integrale. Both the Aztec and Aspid bore some resemblance to Giugario's 1984 Ford Maya concept, save for the unusual-looking rear fenders and wheelskirts.
All three designs were simply intended to be show vehicles, but a Japanese industrialist — smitten with the looks of the Aztec — bought the production rights to the car, and pushed the car into limited production. Each car was identical to the concept, and ran buyers nearly $750,000 a piece. At least 18 were completed, although a production run of 50 cars was originally planned.
Туринское шоу 1988 года превратилось в бенефис Italdesign. К 20-летнему юбилею компании Джуджаро подготовил не один, а сразу три концепта – как принято говорить, один краше другого. Родстер Aztec, купе Aspid и минивэн Asgard бросили вызов самим основам автомобильного дизайна, вместо гладких обтекаемых поверхностей представив на суд зрителей графические, функциональные кузовные панели.
В эпоху повального увлечения «Звездными войнами» хищные футуристические обводы шокирующего трио, помноженные на революционное «искривленное» остекление и аэродинамические излишества вроде экранов на задних колесах, смотрелись как никогда актуально. Но еще круче оказалась вынесенная на боковину панель управления. Здесь и клавиши для ввода секретного кода, открывавшего доступ в салон, и наружные датчики, и даже весьма продвинутый информационный интерфейс, управляемый как и положено в эпоху 80-х с помощью заранее заданных цифровых комбинаций. Вот уж действительно борт-компьютер!
Данила Михайлов - motor.ru
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