1953 Buick Wildcat I

Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Interior
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Interior
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - with hardtop
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - with hardtop
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
Buick Wildcat I, 1953 - Brochure
The 1953 Buick Wildcat made its debut at the 1953 GM Motorama at the Waldorf Astoria. This particular car seemingly disappeared afterwards and a white car replaced it for the remainder of the traveling exhibition. A white example is currently owned by dream car collector, Joe Bortz.
The 1953 Buick Wildcat made its debut at the 1953 GM Motorama at the Waldorf Astoria. This particular car seemingly disappeared afterwards and a white car replaced it for the remainder of the traveling exhibition. A white example is currently owned by dream car collector, Joe Bortz.
Buick Wildcat Sports Convertible, 1953 - on display at the Waldorf Astoria
Buick Wildcat Sports Convertible, 1953 - on display at the Waldorf Astoria
Buick Wildcat Sports Convertible, 1953 - Design Sketch
Buick Wildcat Sports Convertible, 1953 - Design Sketch
Иллюстрации: General Motors Archive; Vintage Web; www.hotrod.com
Рейтинг:  21    -10    +31
Buick Wildcat Sports Convertible Concept Car, 1953
The 1953 Buick Wildcat I was a concept car designed and built primarily to test the use of fiberglass in automobile bodybuilding. Fenderports (used for cooling) were placed on top of the fenders rather than on the sides. The one-piece windshield was a wraparound type with a 60-degree slope to the rear. When the top was down it recessed into the body of the car with a special panel covering it (eliminating the use of a boot).


The 1953 Buick Wildcat I concept was designed under Harley Earl’s leadership. The car was built for the 1953 GM Motorama and is one of Buick’s first fiberglass cars reportedly built primarily to test the use of fiberglass for possible future production bodies.

Its main attraction was the low, two-seater body style with a one-piece wraparound windshield slopped 60-degrees to the rear. When the top was down it recessed into the body of the car with a special body panel covering it eliminating the use of a boot. Hydraulics was used to operate the top, windows and seats. Foot controls operated the radio and the styling of the grille and front bumper inspired later production models.

The body was finished in white with green leather interior and green nylon carpeting. There were hood scoops around the hood ornament and portholes that ran along the tops of the front fenders.

The car was powered by a 188-horsepower version of the new V8 engine and used the new Twin Turbine Dynaflow transmission. An interesting feature was its Roto-Static front wheel discs with built-in air scoops. The discs remained stationary while the wheels revolved around them.

The 1953 Wildcat was the first of three concept cars introduced in consecutive years to wear the Wildcat badge.

Bill Bowman - wiki.gmnext.com

Buick Wildcat I, построенный в 1953 году, был, если можно так выразиться, «фантазией ближнего прицела» — на нем отрабатывали, с одной стороны, принципы работы с фибергласом как материалом для автомобильного кузова (что очень пригодилось при организации серийного производства машин Chevrolet Corvette), а с другой стороны — кое-какие стилистические решения на ближайшее будущее. Мотивы оформления передка этой машины просматриваются в серийных автомобилях Buick 1954 и 1955 годов выпуска. Из нетрадиционных решений, нашедших применение на автомобиле Wildcat I, можно назвать разве что диски передних колес, которые были закреплены неподвижно, а сами колеса вращались вокруг них: считалось, что таким образом можно улучшить вентиляцию передних тормозов, однако на практике особых улучшений не наблюдалось. Во всех прочих отношениях конструкция ходовой части была вполне стандартной. В 1954 году автомобиль был слегка модифицирован и в таком виде экспонировался на стендах выставки Motorama наряду с прототипом Wildcat II, — но на его фоне смотрелся, разумеется, бледно.

Андрей ХРИСАНФОВ - Газета АВТОРЕВЮ 2003 год / №18 (296) / Кунсткамера. Сны наяву
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Андреа Конрад
Журнал «Мотор», 1-2 1999
31 января 2009 г.
how much is this car, is it afordableand is it for sale
23 февраля 2011 г.
How many of these were produced? Do any still exist?
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